http:// ^^GAME TYPE^^ http:// ^^MAP VARIANT^^ This game is basically a cops and robbers map like Station 69 except in my opinion... Better, because there are a hell of a lot more things to do where in Station 69 all you can do is run around a jail trying to get away from the cops. But in this you can rob a gun shop get a burger at the restaurant play basketball at the park and more. Overview of the gun shop Overview of the police station Jail Cell Police Weapons Inside of the gun shop Front of the Restaurant Kitchen Firing up the grill Neighborhood Park Bball court (in the park) Please leave me good comments on what I should do on my next one if I make a next and what I should do for my other maps that I will make in the future. P.S. the key to the gunshop is in a TRASHED out location( it is a grav-lift) P.P.S. This is a COPS AND ROBBERS TYPE MAP not an infection like where zombie are jumping off the walls and what not.
ehh the map could use a bit cleaning up but i live in the suburbs and we dont have gun shops...we have drug dealers and if we want a gun we steal it off a cop...yeah...
welcome to forgehub and congratz on making it up to standerds on your first post. this map looks really fun to play on the only things i can find wrong on it is that it loks a bit sloppy at some places but other then that it looks good
Nice Map Good first post and up to code. 4/5 Good forging and idea. If you need someone to play add me GT- Budgetgravy
this looks cool. i like that you have multiple areas, such as jail, park suburbs, etc, but there are giant open spaces in between the areas, try to place them together
Good, you have your first post up to standards. I'll plus rep you for that. The map looks pretty good for your first. I would suggest interlocking some of those double boxes together to make it look nicer but other than that you did well. I like how each place has it's own stuff inside.
I like the concept of the map but it looks a little crappy in some areas. I would recommend interlocking some more. But the map looks kinda cool so I'll rate it 4/5 btw 400 posts yay!
Well I can tell you know how to interlock, but you need to interlock a lot more places. Interlocking some places will add a nice aesthetic touch, but for smooth gameplay you need it almost everywhere sorry to say. Also, typically armories like your gun shop do not work out so well because humans murder zombies there. Work on it a little bit and make a new one.
The ascetics arn't the best, but this map is awsome! It sorta makes me lol. The restaurant was cool, and the basketball is pure genius! Lots of people don't like armories, but you made it into part of the city as a weapon shop, that's so cool! Because of the ascetics, ill give you a 3.5/5
you could have taken some more time and interlock but the map is pretty good oh and by the way i dont want to eat a fried tripmine not a good combo
Thank you everyone for all your replies I have started a 2nd one and being that everyone says that some parts are messy I will take a lot more time and add a lot more stuff if anyone has ideas please tell me
yeah this looks like a fun map to play on but if your making lkie a competitive map i dont think you should have as many wepons
If anyone wants to be a "forge buddy" with me that is decent and knows how to atleast interlock or geomerge send me a message in game GT-Kilamanjara14 just send a message and ill see how good you are
You deleted the pictures, so I can't really tell anything about the map at this time. Respost the pictures and then I will rate the map.
aww I didnt know if i deleted the pictures on photobucket they would disappear....damn... Alright I will get the pictures back up later tonight