The map looks really cool, though I was worried by the first picture because of its thrown together look. It actually looks really great, and the mini bunkers/trenches are really good. 5/5, and I am downloading.
very good interlocking, but the map gives off a cluttered feeling. I think it would have been better if this was a semi smooth slope with smaller edges sticking out, instead of half the boxes. Good map tho 4.5/5
Brownie, it actually supports all gametypes, but I think it is free for all koth. Da Pig, yeah thanks for noticing that, my brother noticed the same thing on this map and Battle Creek in my fileshare. I don't mind if you delete those barriers, but leave iToasted in the description. Headshot, nah I didn't steal it, I worked on this for 2 months (not every day) but I've done another interlocked map (Battle Creek not the Battle Creek from H1 and H2) which has a creek that already forces you into the sewer systems. Erghhh, maybe I should switch those 2 pictures around, maybe that was the wrong impression.
the interlocking outside the heaping pile of (terrain) is actually pretty decent, and something a bit different from the normal foundry is pretty good everyonce and a while, but ive seen this before, maybe a bit larger scale would be better. remember, the maps that are featured, always have something completely new about them, the layout the style of gameplay, dont be afraid to try new things. but as far as a first map post, id say this is pretty good.
doesnt really look like there is any good game types for this, swamp gives u a 4/10 for the creativity
Metallic, really, that was good information. That was useful, thanks for that. I'm working on a new map, where I'm using the Geo-merging effect/ interlocking. But your right, I'll try something new. SwAmP, you say there really doesn't LOOK like there is any good gametype? Funny, your supposed to try it not judge on the first couple of pictures. Buddy, try it out.