Hi, My name is Derek and this is my first ever post. This map was made By Me (Gamertag : xI Unholy Ix) and my friend Troggy12. We named our 2 man forge group [UT] which stands for Unholy and Troggy. If people enjoy this map i have around 10 other maps that i have yet to share. We have plenty of great slayer maps and infection maps and even a hotel and a sportsplex. Its hard to get noticed on Bungie.net so I tried here. The Map: While made in Foundry. The backstory is City. There is a 2 story building. Tunnels (zombie spawn) Construction Site. A weapons factory and more. Our main objective for this map was to make it IMPOSSIBLE To do 3 things. 1. Get out of the map. (we have updated 6 times so if u find a way out (with using our 2 gametypes only we would gladly update. 2. Impossible to camp. Ever thing has more than one way to get into or kill through. For example. If you want more of a fast paced, scary impossible to camp game play Ghosts where the zombies are invisible, fast and have shotguns and gravity hammers that come in handy to kill enemys if there camping in a small room by grav hammering through the wall. The other gametype is Zoombie which is the normal fast zombies with no camo and swords witch involves a bit more camping. 3. Impossible to spawn camp. As there are plenty of zombie respawn areas placed neatly through out the map. Heres the map --> http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=23212516 Heres the Gametypes --> Gametypes Ghosts (the best for this map) - Zombies are fast, can jump high have grav hams and swords and are invisible. They have the upper hand here and its fun to play as them. Hint: Terrorize the humans by walking into talking distance and making creepy noises but dont let them see you glimmer. Humans use you radar to your advantage. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Zoombie - zombies are fast and can jump high but are visible and only have swords. However there is radar Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Under are pics. Please comment even if you dont like it but if you dont please let me now why so i can learn for my next maps. Human starting area - Zombie start - Two story building with weapons / Garys garage - Nicknamed Harrys Hangout - Weapon Storage - Nicknamed carls cave - Grenade Jump to rooftops - *WARNING* Explosive tunnel - One of many zombie respawn areas - Nicknamed Dereks Den - Forklift assembly -
nice map, but i had to go to your file share to look at it. Your links arn't working and you have to have embeded images. Please look at the link in my signature, beause this post is not up to forgehub standards.
Pictures do not work, embed them. You have 24 hours to do so before it gets locked. It sounds interesting, I'll check back later to see pictures before I download.
Carl's cave is unnecessary in my opinion. I like the rest of the map, well not Carl's cave and the weapon storage... Your basically adding the camping spot... I suggest you remove that, because believe me... I will not be the first to complain about that.
Alright thanks for the help. Ill wait too see other peoples opinions but remember if your playing Ghosts. its hardy for the humans to see them enter the room. If i get more complaints ill make a v7. and as for the weapon storage. Its easily avoided if the zombie gravity hammer jumps or just jumps from a sertain hight onto the rooftops and then jumps down and kills them its hard to avoid that
This map looks pretty good. I think that some Forging 101 techniques would improve the map, but it is good as is. I like the general maze-looking layout, and the amount of thought you have put in to the game-play, especially the anti-camping. Good first map, 4/5.
Well, that may be true but if you have five people camping up there with the second gametype... It would be pretty hard to get past two turrets... and a buck of heavy weapons...
I love the maze feel. It could use some interlocking, try watching the forging 101 videos for help. It has my Download.
AWSOME this loos like it would play better thn most of the featured maps today... (then again, the features today are kinda dumb...) 5/5
This looks to me like a pretty good map. I like the maze-ish-ness of it and the anti-camping measures you took. However, some of the weapon placement is done poorly and wall/box placement is also slightly sloppy in some areas. Overall you did a nice job for a first map. 4/5 from me.