I'm pretty sure he did nothing to the planes. They were already in the original picture. All he did was the splatter at the bottom and lines on the sides. Perhaps some colour modification. Nothing really...
BLOOD FIR3's looks the best to me. Not only does it have a cool splatter effect, but it also utilises some cool reflections.
Woah woah there Reynbow. Lets not degrade my work. I added the airplanes first of all, so Vorpal was right. I also added cloud renders to change the lighting effects, I added numerous brushes including grunge, splatters (as you so kindly mentioned), and some vector brushes. As far as colors go, I boosted the color of the soldiers by cropping them out, duplicating the layer and adding them back in with a different effect.
PSD or it didn't happen We do love you lots =] You are quite fantastic. It was a hard choice between yours and Spagettii's
Waste of time Also Mallet could probably explain why I stopped. I entered in a couple. I think I got a couple infractions and/or warnings.
Because people don't realise that a 5 year olds pre-school finger-painting is not artistic in nature. It can be considered art, sure. But that doesn't mean it's good looking.