Crazy Castle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by hockeyplaya39, Aug 11, 2008.


How good is the map

  1. good

    1 vote(s)
  2. not bad

    2 vote(s)
  3. needs work

    1 vote(s)
  4. bad

    3 vote(s)
  1. hockeyplaya39

    hockeyplaya39 Ancient
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    Crazy Castle!
    Gametypes: Capture the flag is one of my favorites on this map or5 you could use really any gametype i usually do infection, CTF, or Team slayer

    Players: 4-12

    This may not look like a castle on the inside i just named it crazy castle because it looks like one on the outside and i could not think of anything else.

    Main Overview of map

    some of the castle

    Some garages

    Weaponry (both sides of map)


    Main Castle Hallway

    Base A (Looks just like Base B on the other side)

    Please Download this map its really fun to play especially CTF ​
    RadiantRain likes this.
  2. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Well first things first good job your post seeing how you are new and all. Now the map it self it looks ok the design seem decent but not really thought out,the "castle" doesn't look that appealing. Seeing how you are walking on those boxes turn the upside down much smoother surface. Interlock your stuff makes it a lot neater and visually appealing, as for the garages they are single boxes not much about. For you next map plan it out, use foundry designer or what ever. Then make sure you interlock don't know how check forge 101 it has a great deal of good and helpful things. Most importantly though just keep on forgeing no ones first maps are that great.
  3. StRiKeRj94

    StRiKeRj94 Ancient
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    It looks like an ordinary infection house map. And the armory is a big no no. 2/5
    Try making more of the castle useable, instead of using all double boxes.
  4. wyatt912

    wyatt912 Ancient
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    It looks as if you threw something together an 30 minutes.
    The concept of the map isn't bad, but the Execution of the Idea could use some work.
    Some tips to make it look better is to flip the boxes over, interlock some of the boxes.
    Also a weaponry in most peoples eyes is a no-no.
  5. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    the castle doesnt seem like it has much in it or doesnt even have an inside since you just used double boxes and boxes to make it. you also didnt really stick your weapons on the map in good spots were they were excessible during gameplay. you just sort of stuck them off to the side so that people could only use the weapons they went in to fight with. map doesnt really appeal much to me.
  6. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    looks like an ok map all in all but i think maybe u should add more merging but it still looks okay so grat job keep on forgin
  7. hockeyplaya39

    hockeyplaya39 Ancient
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    hey i know my map wasn't very good but i just learned how to merge and everything so i wanted to make a v2 of the map and just wanted some ideas of how to make more on the inside of the castle
  8. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    this would be so much better with interlocking.

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