I just wanted to know who has recon armor and how they got it. No, I'm not going to ask you for it, I'm just curious.
lulz, why does it bother me so when people even suggest that? And I would have no idea, to many people.
Sarge has it, and he has the ability to give it to others. Message him a lot for it, and he might consider it.
In my opinion, too many people have it already. It's friggin' armor in a video game, and too many people cry about little glitches until they get it
Sarge is your only hope. Message him. Btw he speaks a different language, heres a translator: STOP IT===double it Please stop===more please I am sick and tired of this===Your almost there just a few more messages STFU===I dont have enough messages...
100times to sargeant sarcasm? sounds like a noble task/mission/accomplishment i'll take the beast by the horns and get that reconz.
My friend killed himself by shooting a fusion coil next to a cone .. I saved it and i watch it all the time .. Could i get recon for it? I don't even want it because it is too popular but i would like to show some people it and not wear it =]
Wow, bugging Sarge about this has caught on like a disease. Respect his wishes, when he says he doesn't want these type of messages, he means it. So don't do it.