This map me and my boyfriend made, we think its really fun and so does alot of people. It's a great map to race with friends, very entertaining. Even by yourself, i'm sure you'll be having fun :] The Video was made by my friend Nittens. Thanks man :] [youtube]H51XEr1qwHQ[/youtube] the Map Variant:
Re: great racing map, with great video! i guess i cant edit this, so here's some pics for ya' :] there's a trap though so be careful ;D
Re: great racing map, with great video! Rename this forum to the name of the map, not an add for it. This will help get attention for the map.
Re: D&T Circuit, with new video! +pics This map doesnt look that great from the screenshots but that movie by nittens makes it LOOK so much better! I downloaded Good job guys i bet it is fun stuff!
O no, everybodys hating on Tooch Owell, Anyway, the map seems pretty decent, nothing way outta the ordinary, a few cool things here with the jumps, but other than thats its your everyday race around the loop track, I suggest more of a WOW factor in your future maps to come
i remember this i played it with edgar he won because he cheated it was actually fun i give you 4.3/5
Looks pretty basic toochie. I bet it is really fun, but I expected more. All I can say is: It's EXPLOSIVE!!!!!111!1