i like simple one-word names, or two word ones. if a name is really good it can make the name sound ominous or just plain sweet
I thought someone would ask that, It's because I think that ecstasy is a somewhat exciting name, and its for a racetrack so if I was to call it, 'Grand Prix' for example, I don't think it wouldn't sound as good, or exciting.
Good idea Erm, yes you're right but I woul;d feel kinda gay naming a map Nazareth, unless of course it was based on the bible.
Yer, but who would actually make a map looking like a statue of Jesus? If I made one like that I would be embarassed to call it mine.
What about this name... Rampancy? My friend Patchwork Zombie name his racetrack Rampancy, and I think it sounds pretty cool. **EDIT** Sorry for double posting, I forgot that I had done the post before.