I searched and found no threads on this so I decided to make one. Soory if this is the wrong forum. I was just wondering if anyone here still played GTA4, and if so, if I could play to.(Party Mode/Freeplay) My friends are all on vacation and I wanted to start getting to better know the FH community rather than write a message and wait an hour since the times are different..(But Mostly to play GTA4 with the funnest group of people on the interwebz.) So if anyone can play just respond to this thread or PM me or message me on live. My gamertag is the same as my FH username, so thank you guys. Any other details would be that I am American, so if I get a european or aussie person we might have a hard time understanding eachother and I am 13 but I dont have a low voice yet. Thanks FH. EDIT: I am also setting up my video capture card so we can probably put the very hilarious stuff on here and youtube. Thanks again.
I just finished story mode yesterday, so now I'm gonnab bea able to mess around doing super fun crazy stuff. My GT: teh mastar add me for a good time.
I would, but I recently lost my GT4 disc. It sucks, now I can't spawn helicopters, fly to the tallest building and drive my motorcycle off of it. =[