Hostility ^ ^ ^ rate itHostility updated Download Hostility Download Dodgeball SL -more info Sink Line Dodgeball Provides a nice cheat-proof game of dodgeball. It is KotH because what happens when a player walks into the center hill line, the players traits decrease, immobilizing the player until death. This divides the two sides while you can still jump and walk like normal. - more info - Hostility was made for the original Dodgeball SL. This is an updated version made for the new, tuned, Dodgeball SL. This oval shaped map, with cyclopean style walls was focused on aesthetics, but to be honest it doesn't play well. It's still very fun, but is out competed by Front Lines. There are no action pictures because Hostility doesn't get enough action to get pictures. Front Lines is better. The comments arn't accurate because i recyled this thread from the first Dodgeball SL. The old Hostility had 150 downloads, this version has 10. Download Hostility Download Dodgeball SL -more info Don't forget to comment!
Haha this actually looks good! There are so many dodge ball maps people don't evan bother posting them. When I first clicked on this map I thought it was a joke first post. I can't believe I am saying this but this dodgeball stadium looks very good and has brilliant origonality. I will download and play 1 v1 or 2 v2 with my friends. Gtreat work!
Yea, really good, this elimanates honor rules... and you don't have to change the gravity that much... Mabye you do, but not that much... Great job.
wow this is a very good looking dodgeball map. i like the whole curve on the back ends of the fireld and i also like how it goes up a little bit in the back to give players a better angle. great map im gonna dl it.
this looks really really good , i like the idea and the trench, great job ill dl asap, maybe u should make a map involving trenches thats competitive but i dunno
To be perfectly honest, that looks amazing. Well merged, very good looking layout, and a good solution to the center line. Seriously looks like a very fun game, if I can get any friends for it. Good work!
very very nice This looks awsome i just downloaded it but didnt play it yet i was the first to download! i love dodgeball and this looks crazy 5/5
this is the best ddgeball map, i have ever sen, it is uncampable, un escapable, and it stops you from jumping across, congrats on achieving something, where countless others have failed, i felt epic saying that,
Looks fun, and I will download, but I swear on everything I have, I will find a way to get across the trench. I swear on it.
this is defenitly the best dodgeball map i've seen yet. you spend a lot of time, made it neat, and came up with the ultiminte anit-cheat way to play it. congrats 5/5. nice job.
This must be one of the best dodgeball maps I've seen. The sink hole idea is great, and the curved platforms at the back are cool. If I had space, I would defiantly download this. The only thing I see wrong is that the interlocking is a tiny bit messy. But 10/10 anyway!
this is the best dodgeball map i have ever seen the aesthetics are great and the map is sealed up tight while still looking great .