This map is pretty boaring, but with the gametype, it's very fun. Zombies have infinate shields and the humans are invisable. The humans have to hide, or assasinate the zombie. There are no weapons, you start with random ones. Download Gametype Download Map Pics : Attacker's Spawn Defender's Spawn Middle where Gravity Lifts spawn Also When Your the Zombie, Use the Oracle to Find the Humans. M for MLG Ninja Enjoy, and please don't comment about how plain the map is!
Man MLG Ninja. You must make a new map everyday. Why don't you have any links to them in your sig? Anyway nice job here. I like the idea of using the oracle, but won't the humans just stay away from it?
this map is plain! jk is that all there is? or is there more? if there isnt any more, then i dont know what would be so fun... sorry.
Errrrmmm...there's another gametype called Hide N' Seek I believe, exactly same thing, you can pretty much play it on any map, it extremely difficult though on hiding maps like Guardian. Nice effort though. The map, well, you said it yourself. I would like to see maybe a Custom Foundry Map that you could work with the gametype. Be aware, people with lit torches are going to post in this thread.
M for MLG ninja?? ha. take that! K for kickass! Which is exactly what this map is! Nice job it sounds like fun.
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Bwuhahaha! I remember MLG Ninja since he had 1 post... Jeez you make a lot of maps... This map is good, but you should move on to Foundary... Think about it, you could train your skill their, learn about weapon layout, interlocking, effective spawn. While in Cold Stoarage you don't have much.