Talk about a memorable birthday: A Fergus Falls family is welcoming a baby born at 8:08 a.m. on the eighth day of August, weighing in at eight pounds, eight ounces. Lindsay Hauer’s cesarean section was scheduled for 8 a.m. Friday morning at Lake Region Hospital and began right on the dot. When hospital staff told her the time of her daughter’s birth, Hauer thought they were pulling her leg. “I thought they were just joking,” she said. “I didn’t believe them when they told me.” “The time was to the minute,” said Hauer’s husband, Joe. Imagine Hauer’s surprise when, still in the operating room, she received a call from staff in the hospital’s birthing suite, where Hailey Jo Hauer was being measured and weighed. “I had the scale on grams at first,” said Jenny Harstad, Hauer’s nurse. Based on the baby’s weight in grams, Harstad estimated Hailey would weigh-in within the eight-pound range. She later joked she’d hoped to find significance in the baby’s length as well. “I was trying to shrink her down to 18 inches,” Harstad said. Instead, Hailey measured 19.5 inches. Back in the operating room, hospital staff resolved to buy lottery tickets later in the day. “My anesthesiologist said to me, ‘Do you realize this is once in a million? This will not happen anywhere else,’” Hauer said. Hailey is Lindsay and Joe Hauer’s second child. Evan Hauer, 16 months, will meet his sister Saturday. “We’ll introduce him tomorrow and see how it goes,” Joe Hauer said. I find this especially unique because during the Olympics they were talking about how much the number eight meant to the Chinese then I read an article about this and I thought it was crazy! For more odd news, visit Kn1ghtly Knews
Good God she's the omen!! What a coincidence. How were they trying to shrink her size down? Cut off her scalp?
I don't think so because that would be way against the law... I'm just glad it didn't happen on 6/6/06.... That would be creepy... (lol i just remembered that is my dad's birthday no joke =p)
your dad was not born two years ago.... and its a shame the baby has parents like that.. the dad looks like a pretty cool guy but the mom looks fugly
Lol I know my dad wasn't born two years ago but I remember we were celebrating his birthday and he broke his arm and it was really freaky...
Wow, I'm not going to calculate the odds but I'm sure its more then 1/1,000,000,000,. Which makes this one of the most miraculous things I've ever heard of. Though, I wouldn't want to be that kid for the next few days, I'm sure the media will be all over this. At least she won't remember it when shes older.
Technically this is the only baby like that(8/8/08etc)so that baby is special Much very special indeed
Yeah... I bet in a few years someone will start a cult and start worshipping this baby lol... It is so crazy and just to think that it will never happen again is reall cool too... That baby is really lucky
well considering that hundreds of people are born everyday, the chances of having a baby born on that day at that time aren't too bad. However with the weight and stuff its pretty extraordinary. That's crazy cool. That baby will either be lucky or have super natural powers.
People may view this one in a million chance as something special. I, however, do not. This event is rare and this baby is just another baby. To each there own.