THIS WAS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED IN ANY WAY! I took it from on the VERY TOP of the building next to the scarab battle. I had to launch a warthog out of the map, get out of the map with the warthog, and then, using the warthog, launch to the top of that huge towering column-thing. I have some more great shots from up there If you guys want to see them.
Not too shabby. I don't generally browse this forum, but it is a nice shot. Sounds like a lot of effort went into it as well. ^_^
That looks great and i could do with a new desktop background but i would prefer a action one .. Great screen and it would look very classy as a desktop background =]
Glad you all like it. Here are some more screens I took up there. I just realized how bad photobucket screws up the pics when it shrinks them so be sure to make them full size for best quality.
I think the first picture would be better with more/less of the ground, since it's a sliver, but it's noticeable. But they're good.
Yeah I tricked you all, I somehow got the arbiter and chief into multiplayer, you're exactly right. /sarcasm