nice team,but im more of a breeder in diamond. in the others im a little more competitive.most of my friends concider me a pokemon master since I'm uber tough to defeat.
As was said before, Pokemon is timeless. I have had every traditional Pokemon game ever made and I will probably keep buying them as long as they keep making new ones.
I think a more suited question to ask is "who doesnt like pokemon?" Asper of course, lol. He'd rather play with his digimans. I used to love it back when there was only 151 of them, when the new ones introduced, I didnt like it. I love the old school pokemon, or what I like to call, the Real Pokemon.
no u. Pokemon is timeless. It spanned over almost every posisble outlet. TV show, video games, card games, video game on card game, plush toys, plastic toys, marbles, movies, clothing, parodied on South Park the list goes on and on.
I used to, but I've grown out of it. I did however like it all the way up to Diamond, and that game I was DYING for. And it did not disappoint, considering I had Wi-Fi
Pokemon is one of the greatest, if not the greatest games ever invented. Before Halo 3's Forge, the Diamond/Pearl metagame was my gaming obsession. I'm truly a hardcore Poke-player. For those of you that don't know what the metagame is, it's basically the main competitive front of Pokemon battling. It's divided into tiers, mostly decided by, and the OU tier is the pinnacle of battling. Pokemon is just as complicated, if not more complicated than Halo 3's Forge because of many hidden factors like nature multipliers, Effort Values (EVs), Individual Values (IVs), and the Dynamic Values (DVs). I'm absolutely disgusted when people say that Pokemon is "for kids" or that they're "too old for it" because it's extremely complex at its core and worthy of being an MLG game. And I'm dead ****ing serious.
Well the show is terrible and should be discontinued, but the new DS games were actually really fun. The wireless multiplayer and trading over wi-fi was just a great idea. I think it still needs something that makes training high level PKMN more exciting that doing elite 4 over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Not that it takes too long.
I played it until the internal clock and game clock ran dry. not a day passed,not a berry growed and not even a new game would fix it. I'm currently at 456:32 on my diomand game.only 400 hours left.
i've played every generation of pokemon. My first was blue. I beat diamond a year ago and still play it from time to time, with my girlfriend. It's so good.
Both the original games and cartoon kickass. All the new crap, with new characters, really sucks and is a disgrace.
i remember being able to memorize all 151 of the original pokemon (Didn't say i never watched it lol)
lol i knew mudkipz would come up. yeah pokemon took up alot of my time when i was younger. now i play magic: the gathering, but its sort of the same concept. i dont mind pokemon unless people are idiots about it and get obsessed
I'ved loved pokemon since if was about 6 or 7, still do. I just can't stop playing my Pearl version. I just...gotta catch them all!!! by the way, I was just wondering if anyone else noticed on the wi-fi global trading network thing, that ALL of the trade offers are complete bullshit? Everyone's trading like a level 1 Zigzagoon or other common pokemon for something along the lines of a level 100 Deoxys
yeah its pretty gay. or they want something impossible, like a lvl 10 and under _________(any legendary pokemon that you cant breed)