It wouldn't be hard to go to any country and find a bunch of idiots and interview them all. You do realize that the interviews shown in the video aren't all the interviews they had with Americans. Obviously they are only using the worst ones to try to prove a point. Which anyone could do anywhere.
Im American, and weather you like it or not these American stereotypes can be quite true. America is stupid. We are making the world worse. In fact most stereotypes are true. Crazily enough.
I agree that some sterotypes America are tru but we aren't all that dumb. That shows is trying to make is seem like an average American is that dumb.
Sadly many americans are this ignorant and they get the full rights as citiazens to vote and influence national policy. We need to make stupid camps. There these ignorant people can breed there and migrate like lemmings.
Wow I knew America was stupid, but not this stupid I need to rethink where I am gonna live. Somewhere where I can still get all the updates for Xbox Live hmmmm.
Most of those people were morons. "Which state does KFC come from?" "I really don't know." Come on people. "How many world wars have there been?" "Three" Granted, I didn't know one or two of the questions but they were some of the more, "legit" questions.
I think 3/4 or more of these people post daily on the Halo 3 Forum...Hmm.. *Off Topic: LIKE MY NEW SIG?!!?
I'm American, we waste too much oil, our president had like 83 DUIs and knocked up a ***** before becoming president, and we have alot of racists. Not saying that everyone is.
Yes, Why was your reply so sarcastic? And another one: What is PARAguay? Off Topic: I am now at long last a premium member!!! YES! :squirrel_rocking: