This is my first attempt at some decent maps, and within these maps I have used many techniques learned from forgehub 101, and random threads scattered around the site. I'm basically posting these maps for you guys to critique my abilities as a forger, and tell me what I can improve on. The following maps are supposed to be very open, with nowhere to hide. These are great FFA maps, but I do not suggest huge parties on these maps, as it can get hectic. Pit. Features: A sniper lookout on top of the level 4 Vehicles on the bottom of the map creating insanity when people try to rush the teleporter (see pic) Very clean and merged, plays very nice A simple design, but it plays like a complex map with the multiple levels. Weapons: 12x BR 9x Carbine 5x Sniper 4x SMG 2x Plamsa Pistol 2x Magnum 1x Rockets (1 Clip) 1x Shotty (No Clips) 1x Spartan Laser 1x Flamethrower Equipment: Power Drain Regenerator BubbleShield Trip Mine Deployable Cover 1x Overshield This map is pretty simple, but also very fun. With multiple levels of carnage, and a "Vehicle Stadium" at the bottom, Pit appeals to the vehicle-lovers, and the slayer-lovers. An overview of the map The bottom area, also called the "Vehicle Stadium" Notice the teleporter inside the wall. This brings you up to the balcony (Last Pic) A Higher overview The balcony on the top of the map Download: Pit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soy Sawce. Soy Sawce. A map of insanity. A merged wraith hiding a sword? Breakable pallets hiding an underground grenade stash and overshield? A 4-Car Garage? MARIO PIPES? Yes. Soy Sawce, aside from the rediculous name, is pretty much a merge-fest. almost everything is interlocked, making gameplay smooth, and very appealing to the eye. Features: Two-Way "Super Mario" Style Pipes (You shoot up when you teleport) Vehicle Garage Grenade Stash and Bunker 2 Sniper Posts Hidden Lookout Tower A Bridge leading to camo Weapons: 3x Sniper 2x AR 6x BR 3x Carbine 2x SMGS 1x Sword 1x Mauler 1x Grav Ham 10x Frags 6x Plamas 2x Spike Nades 2x Firebombs Equipment: Power Drain Bubbleshield Trip Mine Deployable Cover Regenerator 1x Active Camo 1x Overshield An overview of the map Pipe-Side Armory-Style Barriers containing shotty Mario Pipes RocketCage Tower-Side (Notice the pallets) Turrets on top of the tower overlook almost whole map, but that also means you're very exposed. The pallets break revealing.... Grenades, and an Overshield. There is a teleporter in the bottom left that leads to the top of the "Tower" where a turret awaits. Vehicle Garage with Lift into pipe-side A Sniper Tower (Walk into the door below) A Rocket Cage A Bridge leading to Active Camo and Flamethrower Merged Wraith and Small snipe tower with elevator Download: Soy Sawce There is also a hidden teleporter somewhere on pipe side. It is in a wall, so it's very hard to find, but there are street cones near it to make it a little easier to find. This teleporter brings you up to a lookout post above the vehicle garage. Try to find it =) Please leave comments and critique. Anything is appriciated. =)
All your maps are exceptionally open. I think that was the point of this map pack but it will make for some poor gameplay. In the first one if you control a sniper and the spartan laser you pretty much get an uncontested win. This makes for not so much fun. I do love you merging on the last one though. The merged wraith looks sick. if you get in it does it pop out of the ground?
You would be surprised how little a sniper of laser does. Sure, it is a power weapon, and gives you a small advantage over the compitition, but a quick BR can un-scope the sniper or throw off the laser. But as for the merged wraith, it is un-driveable, but It cannot come out of the ground. It's permanent. It's pretty much solely for aesthetics, but it does have a sword hidden in the top =)
I actually think soy sauce is a very good map, especially with the wraith. Sure a little open, but it's suprising. The pit looks too easy to escape. Welcome to forgehub.
Thank you. Sure, you can escape the map, but what do you there form there? You can't kill people, becuase the map is elevated. All you can do it sit there. Plus theres a teleporter, so you can get back in if you fall out somehow.
Soy Sawce has an interesting layout. It's kind of flat, if you know what I mean, but it's still pretty cool. Pit, on the other hand, is very basic and very empty. Not at all what I'd call a great map.
thats good. well, i like how the interlocking is. well done. but yeah, they are open, but that is the point. 4/5
This Map Owns I started out with the pit with some people and i clearything it is a duable map even if sum1 does have the sniper or splazer. once i was palying it was 2 people 5 peopel all the way up to 8 people joined the game AND STAYED!! then i ended game and i got a couple people yelling at me because they didn't want me to end the map, then i showed them soy sawce and i had a full party there were 16 players in the party and we played to 250 kills NOBODY LEFT( except for 1 person had to go) and it was so amazingly fun i HIGHLY RECCOMEND BOTH OF THE MAP OUTRAGEOUS morphing with the crates and omg its and epic map DL IT NOW
honestly i like pit the most if you had a littlle more cover and interlocked(alot more)it would be better then it is now
Lol but what is there to interlock? I guess I could interlock the double boxes on the floor/middle level
It's worth the scroll. Wow. Soy Sauce is surprising when placed next to a simple map like Pit. Great job excellent techniques you must be a fast learner. Well done.
All of the maps are really well crafted... For the first one, it seems that it would play nicely with nothing but snipers... Honestly... The map pack is great. Great interlocking.
The Pit looks good for such a simple map. On the other hand, I don't like the look of Soy Sauce. And, it looks like you stole the merged Wraith from a certain Moveable Merging Example map.
Welll>...... Well come on now... i could say you stole the idea of Merging boxes now cant i? i could say you stole the idea of anything! its not patented and i dont think it ever will be soon. and do not like the look? i think it its perfectly crafted out and place, the main playing arena in the middle and all the vehicles off to the side and the door you go in and it teleports you and not to mention the secret places you can go to i give it a tripple thumbs up bbb-(^_^)Z ^^^ thumbs
Every single double box should be interlocked on that map. Also, Pit is too easy to escape, which makes for poor game-play. Fix that and add cover and that map is set. Soy Sauce looks ok, but again, too open. Anyway, good first couple of maps; with a little work they could be great. 3/5.
But, like I said before, so what if they escape the map? They can't kill anyone cuz it's elevated. At most they can chuck a frag or two into there. There are teleporters to get back inside, but that's about it. And if you mean get onto to top of foundry on the small ledge, then no, you can't. I've tried with everything, it's impossible.
well, the first map looks simple and not very good so 3/5 for that map, the next map looks pretty dang good, so a 4.4/5 it looks really cool good map pack overall map pack 4/5
i completely disagree, like he said, whywould you want to get out, and does the non-interlocing extremely affect gameplay? other than an occasional bounce theres no real effect
Very nice maps! Soy sawse must be my favorite, great work with the merging - I like the wraith! I think Pit looks a little too open. I can understand if it was intended, but gameplay like that wouldn't be so great. I would recommend placing out more cover. But gret work overall! 4.5/5
Thanks for all the compliments and feedback. I will use this feedback for future maps that I plan on creating.