Symetry V.1 WRONG DL IN FILE SHARE WILL FIX SOON AS IM UNGROUNDED!! Symetry is a nearly identical map on both sides and is kind of a bit sloppy, sorry about that. It was doen before i knew anyting about merging and interlocking. I went back and tried to clean it up a little, but is is still an amazingly fun map. with rockets ibn the back, affectionally called the rocket box. needler is above the bridge and a shotty below the bridge. heres some pictures! Sorry there arn't any action shots. there will be a remake if there is a positive responce tio this map Download---> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing rocket box right overview lower left High left Lower left corner Center view Lower left view
Erm... Yea it is a bit sloppy around some areas... And really needs to be improved... I suggest building it from scratch again, it may be the only way to really fix up and clean the map a bit more...
first of all interlock every surface second of all turn those boxes and bridges upside down for asthetics and straighten things out please
It looks good for not knowing how to interlock. But in v2, definitely make sure you do interlock everything you can and that you clean up some things. 3.5/5
aright, i know you said you didn't know too much about forge tricks when you made it, but look at the first picture. the one of the rocket room. you don't need to know how to interlock if you wanna take the time to make it straight. really, dude, it's just way too messy
Well, usually you want to make things out of the boxes and walls. Otherwise people will just see, well, boxes and walls. I definitely think it's pretty sloppy, but it's your first map, so I guess it's predictable. Here's a link to forging101. It's a place to learn all the cool forging techniques. ForgeHub - Forge 101- Halo 3 Maps
If there's a shotgun on your map, don't place it to close to the rocket box, looks like a good place for camping.
The map is decent for no interlocking. It reminds me of Bungie's default foundry map a bit. However, i suggest you work on your grammar skills before you worry about your map.
Good try, the layout looks okay. My biggest tip to you is that the most important part of a map is the brainstorming before it. I assume you know how to interlock and geomerge; use those tools to make something creative and original.
there is no doubt its sloppy but i actually found out that i have the wrong file up for dl and im gounded so i cant fix it as of now ooops
This map looks like not alot of time went into it. To be completely honest, this map looks liek you just threw it together. Alot of this could be improved simply by remaking the entire section. 2/5
the layout looks ok, but box flipping and bridge flipping would make this map monumentally better. remember a good map has alot of interlocking to make it smooth and pleasing to the eye, but its a good first map post.
it needs to be neater but a good layout just use interlocking and neaten it up and itll be great but until then 3/5
omg, this is the slopiest map ive seen in two ranks!!!gosh, im sorry but no merging, interlocking, sloppy not good at all 1/5