Tour De Paris created by goldman 010 questions: how long did it take: 4 hours to build like 30 min to test what inspired your creation: well after i made hotel streets i figured i was really good at scenery maps so i went big with paris, map features: a huge effiel tower a long river (or canal) 2 bridges over the river lots of nice buildings street lights (they are white) pics Start under the tower First bridge with fountain on right Last Turn I would like to thank my friend rainmaker069 for testing it ( he mostly played around with the unlimited money objects lololol) Download Tour De Paris Download RACETRACKS here
it looks really artisitic, but i am a bit worried about how fun it is since there really isn't any overall please factor to it. Judging from the pictures, you look like you always stay on the ground. Sorry, just voicing my opinion.
Totally agreed. It's artistic, and was probably hard to make, but I don't think it'd be really fun to play on.
^Yeah, I have to agree. I like the idea you put into it. From now on, always turn double boxes upside down, so they'll look much nicer. Anyway, good work! Is this a race map? If so, make it compatible with the Racetracks variant. You should go to Halo Tracks for more information on Racetrack making.
I don't want to say that I have to agree with them... but I do... Good aesthetics and overall feel, but I'm not so sure about the actual racing
looks awsome and all but u should make a competitive map out of this , it would be sick, still i like the eiffel tower, nice aesthetic feature great job
an artistic map. but nothing ealse really, maybe you could add a few weapons for a combat version. maybe a few enterable buildings.
I agree,but if this is a race map make it compatible with the racetracks varient. Like Norbert220 said. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Make a pure aesthetic version 2. Make a competitive version My final rating :3/5.
He a ctually is a map maker in halotracks and it is compatile with the racetracks gametype. We can tell who judges by pics. ~a deadguineapig halotracks elite tester/mapmaker
Awesome! This has some nice scenery! This is a cool idea! I like how you drive underneath the eifel tower (correct me if i'm mispelling)! Nice idea using the cams, overshields, and custom powerups to make the lamps! That's also a nice fountain! Well, I just like all of it! Great job! 5/5
No need to get feisty, I was just asking a question. I didn't say that it wasn't, I merely asked if it was and was trying to help. I'm judging by post, so his post wasn't complete enough because he didn't even say that it was compatible. Please edit the post, then it will make sense.