Hi, I don't know if this is in the right place but if it isn't please move it. My halo 3 disc is becoming very scratched. And I'm worried that I might not be able to play halo 3 anymore. Now I wanted to check before I actually do. Is it actually safe to clean your halo 3 disc with either the toothbrush technique or a disc cleaner? Like will I lose all my maps and such? (i.e. foundry, the maps I've made/downloaded on foundry etc.) :cry: I just want to know bad before I can't play anymore. +rep For anyone who can help. :happy: Thanks A Bunch, HomieG54
Well actually, i would try to go to a Hastings, or Blockbuster, etc. I think hastings will clean your discs just like new for free. If not then i have no idea. P.S: WarningDo not do what youtube tells you to do. Trust me i figured out the hard way. (meaning = Made it terribly worse.)
Like going to Hastings? No nothing will be deleted off your files. Hastings is pro at cleaning discs.
I might just go to a blockbuster down the street and see what they can do. But couldn't I just clean it with like a toothbrush and toothpaste? Or if blockbuster can clean it then just leave it alone. Or should I get a new halo disc all together or will that not let me have anything that I've done/saved on halo 3?
No absolutely do not do anything with toothpaste. Thats a huge No No. It absolutely destroys the disk do not try it. You do not need to get a new game but if you feel obligated to, do so.
Lol, Hopefully blockbuster will be nice and clean it for me. I might get it for free too. I know like everybody in their. Thanks II Shedo II. Let me know if you ever need help with anything.
If Blockbuster can't fix it, you'll need a new disk. I'm wavering on the edge of having to get my 3rd disk, because something about Halo disks makes them super easily breakable.
I was just stupid and didn't take care of mine. Hey does anyone know if I can just get a disk cleaner and use that instead of going to blockbuster or something?
i tried to clean my disc with toothpaste, and also with banana peel, and it doesnt work...i have no more campaign, and also no more isolation, or high ground....i suggest an ebay halo 3, to pay cheaper...hope that helps...!
If Blockbuster charges to have the disk cleaned, it might be beneficial to just buy a new Halo 3 game. The reason is that even if they re-surface your disk, there is still some permanent damage and eventually you might not be able to play certain maps. Consider this if you plan on playing Halo for a longer time.
A good way to fix a scratched disk is either 1, rupping some tooth paste on the scratches. Remember to wipe it all off and rinse it before putting it back in your xbox. A chemical in the toothpaste stays in the cracks, and even though you can't see it, it will fix minor scratches. Another more affective yet dangerous way of cleaning it is to buff it. Don't take a toothbrush to it, all you'll do is make more scratches. Simply turn the buffer on and slowly lower your disk onto it. It helps to somehow fasten the disk to your hand because if your buffer is going a little to fast, it could slip out and smash against a wall. Lol. Happened to me once with my favorite dreamcast game, although if you do it right, it does work.
Those YouTube tricks are a joke and DO NOT work. Banana peels and toothpaste? I don't think so, toothpaste is an abrasive and will ruin your game disc, with banana peels you are just covering your disk with wax from the peel which doesn't fix the disc.
I did not even say banana peels. Toothpaste however, i did not get that off of youtube or some weird methods website. It will not harm your disk as it's not strong enough, it will however coat your disk and fill in the MINOR scratches as it would with your teeth. The chemical can also be found in several bases so there are many other concoctions that work as well. Banana peels are a definite no though. Idk where you got that from but that person is obviously messed. I'd go with the buffing meathod, as it always works for any scratch, while the tooth paste is not as strong.