You can say all you want about this map that how about it has already been done its a mansion what else is to it but then again you must of not seen the screen shots... Overview of the zombie spawn(the crates are so the zombies have it easier for cover to get towards the mansion and it is supposed to not be straight.) Overview of the Backyard (with fountain) Over view of the crash site/garage Overview of the mansion The business room The balcony One of two bathrooms with goodies in the toilet One of two bedrooms with stuff laying somewhere around, but where do you say? you have to find out! The chillaxing room The living room with a tv(door) closable back door(pallet with the window panel) and what next you ask? The very first freplace! The door with a key (grav lift) and a secret aswell The secret room I was telling you about. Last and one of the coolest thing about the map! The fireplace. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Map Variant^^ : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Game Variant^^
fireplace is pretty cool. possibly too many power weapons. weapon list would help. the living room looks flat out messed up, but then i saw the door thing. but whatever. nice. i'll give you a 3/5
i spy a rocketlauncher, fuel rod cannon and brute shots and snipers in one room? thats too many power weapons the map itself is good though 3.5/5
I just noticed that I do have a lot of power weapons but if you think about it... power weapons are not extremely good against zombies besides snipers but the game type does not have infinite ammo so snipers arent always the best weapon for a round that could be who knows how long.
This is very unneat things are not flat and someplaces you have to jump because the bums are to big to walk over You could of geomerged the stars into the crane cuz eith out it they look to messy and if you didn't even care 53/100
this looks like a baddly made messy cheap zombie map neaten it up and spread around the power weapons
fireplaces have already been done. not quite like yours but they have been made. also, i was gonna ask if this was a lazy mapmaker contest submission before i saw the inside of the house.. the roof looks a little rough. you may want to put a little more time into it
Some areas of the map look very sloppy and yes the weapons list should be edited so the zombies at least have a chance to fight back. Nothing bothers me more than a map and a gametype that make being the zombie not fun and ends up making the zombie quit because they died to much.
You need to interlock a lot of this map it is sloppy and I hate sloppy,the fireplace it rather cool. Not to sound like a parrot or anything but that is way to many power weapons. It looks rather cool though, the mansions exterior needs more work, the living room looks odd the tv is ok though. If you make a version 2 interlock and don't rush make everything neat and organized.
I smell a V.2. Instead of remaking the map which I personally hate doing, just make a new one with interlocking... Perhaps you can add new rooms, or just make an entirely new mansion. You never know.
Hey dude this map looks good but a couple of things bother me . . 1. Interlocking doesnt look too good 2. Things just seem to be a bit thrown around if you no what i mean. Weapon placement is a bit random aswell mate, try and even it out a bit more . . I will give it a download and rate you after i have played it =] but for now, in spoken word, i give you a 3/5 . . =]
Well... Good idea but needs more inter-locking and fewer weapons.... And, Delete the living room... Please...
I think you did a good job making the wall not straight and the fireplace... lul.......But there are too many power weapons in that one room. Try spreading them around.
well, this looks pretty sick and all but could use merging but the fireplace is a nice idea, it seems really nice, great job
it is very difficult when attempting to build a house or something in forge due to the lack of... homely objects. but, this might as well be one of the better ones i have seen. 3/5 in my mind. the fire place is nice, im guessing you have to light it?