I don't know what it is about my map names but my friends think they sound cool (most of the time). So here are the names of some of my maps: Omaha Beach Grogball court Warlock Arrowhead Barrow down Ecstasy Adrenaline Nazareth Please give me your opinions on the names of these maps also, feel free to post any ideas that you have for map names in this thread.
The only orriginal or cool sounding names up there are Nazareth ,Barrow down ,and Arrowhead the rest are alredy in use or are to similar to already existing map names.
Just in general I like the names that feel similar to the ones bungie has given their maps. like last resort or the pit, they don't really accurately describe the map per se but it still is sweet. i try to go for that when naming my maps and don't name it some cool-sounding, nonexistent word or something that's been done over and over.
Hydraphoria, i don't know why that popped into my head but it did and i type and i press Post Quick Reply and then quack?
Not yours, that's the name of a rather popular Halo 2 map. Otherwise, they're all pretty good names. Try not to be too discriptive in your map titles, it doesnt make it sound nice. Having a vague one worded name usually works but try to relate it the map if you can. Is Nazareth an actual word? If so, what does it mean.
A few of them sound cool, but most are just too over used. As linu said a vague name is usually best since it leaves more to the imagination. It would also be best to use your imagination to come up with a few more original names. I don't know why, but I never seem to have trouble picking a name for my maps. I guess I'm just gifted in that area of forge. lol
Well i hate naming maps ... But my bro is ok at it .. His maps are called :- Abacus, Demolition, Facility =] I think they are pretty good names ..
Clearly not any form of devout christian. Jesus of nazareth ring any bells? Its part of israel/palestine
Nazareth is a city in Bible times. Im not sure if it is still around today. You beat me too it Supa Midget
I do indeed quote the song "We hate it when our friends become successful" Ho ho ho ho hahahaha hahahaha
LOLOLOL I havent actually named any maps Nazareth but I was trying to think of a cool name and I looked at Warhammer, and the background to some of their armies and I forgot one of the Dark Elves city names and for some reason was thinking it was called Nazareth when I posted this. **EDIT** Also I've never played Halo 2 so when I made Warlock I never knew it was already a map off of Halo 2 until my friend told me later on! ok I just checked and it turns out the name I was meant to say was Naggaroth.
You could've just edited the post and added that. No need for the double post, they can land you in trouble.
Yeah as I recall nazareth was where jesus gave moses a bunny for a gift. it laid an egg and the holiday of easter was created.
The only one I really like is Nazareth. I actually come up with the name of a map first, and then make the map based on the name But I tend to like more out of the ordinary names.
I think Last Resort and The Pit both describe the maps really well. The Pit, well there is a pit on either side of the map, and Last Resort suits the map because it is basically a remote island location... a last resort. For your map names, Barrow Down isn't bad, but why would you ever name your map Ecstasy?
ROFL!!!! LMAO!!!! Nazereth? I usually go with an emotion or some word I find amusing... (i.e. Grimace, Envy, Suffice)
i dont personally know any of your maps, so i cant trell if they're good names. i name my maps, on the shape and looks of them, like the one in my sig, bad posture, i named it that because i wanted to stay away from the boxy fell as much as possible, so nothing like a common map is shaped like, hence the name bad posture