Thanks a lot man, is it possible to use that glitch after the map is complete though? I thought you had to start off a new map with the glitch enabled?
At first when I loaded up the map and ran around it my immediate thought was "Aww heeeell no, he's copied Tigaers Chill Out remake". But then I went around and checked it out properly and came to the conclusion that it's got similiarities but that you're not a copy-ninja ;P, sorry bud. With that said I have to say that you've done a great job on this one. I couldn't anything that wasn't up to par . Keep up the excellent work!
Haha thanks for taking the time to check it out . Tigaer's Chill Out is amazing, our "shotgun rooms" are very similar but mine is a lot bigger, but I definitely got some inspiration from his map. Don't worry though, Tigaer has checked out Runway and he loves it too
I believe that you can glitch as long as you have enough extra budget to increase the run times to the max on at least one object, but I'm not sure. Try baleeting a few things, then trying the glitch on a BR for instance.
I just played a couple games here, and they were both fun... for me anyway. I got lots of kills so I liked it. My Buddy (when he saw the map name): "I don't like that map. I looked at it and I didn't see any reason to keep it." My Buddy (after we played and I owned him): "I changed my mind. I hate that map."
When I played this recently tonight, I found that the spawns really need some work. I found myself spawn one time by a rocket launcher, then get to jump on top of the map and get cheap kills. Then, I was killed, respawned, and instantly assasinated. Then I respawned facing a wall. I think the spawns need a lot of work and a little scenery needs to be put around the map to make it look a bit better. I still think the design was pretty good though, especially since I can actually get some kills on this map (although not very many )
Where did you spawn facing a wall? Every single spawn is set facing outwards. But I will take that into account. I have some spawns that are pretty close to the rocket spawn on purpose though. If you remember Chill Out from Halo 1, and basically any map from Halo 1, there were always spawns near power weapons or power-ups. Even though you spawned near a rocket, it is balanced out because other people spawn near the Sniper Rifle, Hammer, Overshield, and Active Camo. If the Rocket was the only power weapon I wouldn't have allowed that, but since it is one of 3 (Rocket, Hammer, Sniper) and there are 2 power-ups, I have found no problems with it. The thing with you being instantly assassinated would be Bungie's fault though. It is random which spawn-point the game chooses to have you spawn into, and that is all based on Bungie's proximity spawning system. I can't control the fact that someone happened to be in a room behind an area where a spawn point is and Bungie's system happened to spawn you there out of the possible 99 other locations.
lol, I don't think it would be that much fun for anyone who doesn't know their way around yet . And playing a 1v1 there would be insane, a lot like playing a 1v1 on Chill Out That's pretty good tho
It wasn't a 1v1. It was five player Team Slayer. Me and a guy vs. that guy and two other people. But I agree that the map is confusing the first time.
Ah sweet, that would be cool then. Yeah I've noticed most people are a little lost the first time they play it. I actually recommend flying around it a bit in forge first. That's a good thing though, like a real map. Just think back to the first time you played Epitaph or Chill Out, I guarantee both were confusing . A real map has to be learned, because a real map has complexities. ---- Also, in response to what Gravedigger said, I actually completely don't know what he is talking about spawning in facing a wall, etc. You can go into Forge and fly around my map and you will notice that every spawn point is placed with extreme care. I even perfected things that wouldn't matter with the spawn points. If I put 2 or 3 spawns near each other I would make sure they were absolutely straight and completely in line. Also there are no spawns in the center of rooms or facing walls like he makes it sound.
definitely gonna download that map. and wow, just by looking at the pictures you're like the pro at interlocking objects.
Yeah, I've played two actual games here and I don't recall a single bad spawn. And I totally agree that great maps have complexities.
thanks man, just takes a good amount of time and usually about 10 tries to get it right I'm still planning on getting you that KOTH/CTF/Oddball version, I think that would be really fun. Also thinking about releasing a version with some weapons changed out, etc. For a big group the weapons are great, but for smaller groups you can just destroy everyone if you know the map and they don't . There is the MLG version that works well for smaller groups, but I'd like to add a version with a little more variety than that, but less than the original Runway.
Just looking for a different point of view for a possible alternate version. What would be your choices for power-weapons, power-ups, and equipment? Let me know because I'm working on a more objective based version. Thanks!
Dear Windburry, God of Forge, Runway is without a doubt the best map i have seen to date (and i have DL'd a TON of maps). How this is slipping in the forums or hasnt made it to the Bungie Faves yet is beyond me... but it is deserving. If this map was a girl, i'd drink her bathwater. Just found a couple sneaky escapes too that i love. one being jumping from sniper room straight up on top of the runway (pretty difficult to do sometimes, but a well-timed crouch jump can in fact get the job done..even without the luxury of grenade jumping). The other great escape is jumping from the top of the runway straight down into the brute shot room (the opening just above the sign. Also i like the fact that from the top of the Runway near sniper room and facing shotgun room, you can walk off the edge to the right and kick it on the fence wall ledge to be super sneaky, and walk back over to the man cannon room. Also from the bridge facing active camo, you can jump on top of the wall to the left (its just an edge really) and effectively surprise someone who might be chasing you or can jump from there up to the plasmas near the top of the runway. Ive only had this map about 4 days and have already played numerous customs on it with a wide variety of people. ALL HAVE LOVED IT. enough babbling, this map is the shiznit... go download it NOW. and once my blacklist gets lifted in the bungie forums, ill post there as well..this needs more recognition. p.s. bubble god and the rocket to banshee clips are tiiiiiight.
Windburry, I really like this map, but enough with the double posing already. I've noticed four instances of double posting in this thread, and it's gotta stop. Any leniency I've had because I like this map has been spent. I've got to be fair to all members so there will be consequences if it happens again. Anyway, like I said, I like this map. But it recently came to my attention that you used someone else's map as a base for nearly half of Runway. Why didn't you offer some credit to the original author? Do they know that you edited their Chill Out remake to make your own map?
I wouldn't have caught that. Still, it seems like a good map, based on partially reviews, but mostly description and pics. I can't do much criticism though, until I dl.
I love MLG Chill Out so I love this map, however the spawns over the overshields seem just right out in the open, would rather they be backed up to a wall... yep, that's right, I really couldn't find any other issues but that tiny nitpick. Good Job.
Furious, I can see how you got confused, but I did not edit anyone's map to build Runway. As I said, I drew inspiration from Chill Out and Prisoner. Since my map was a creation inspired by Prisoner and Chill Out I looked at the best Foundry remakes of Chill Out and Prisoner for some inspiration, as well as loading up Halo 1 to look at the originals. I constructed the map alone, on an empty foundry canvas, and drew inspiration from Tigaer's Chill Out. Which means that while I constructed my map, I employed techniques that I had seen used in his and other creations. I never once edited anyone else's map, and I am a little offended to have credit nearly stolen from me because of a misunderstanding. EDIT: By the way, follow and you can read Tigaer's response to my map, he liked it, he also knew that I didn't rip him off. Also, load up the 2nd page of this thread and you can find what Gorebound thought about it, but if you would is what he said: "At first when I loaded up the map and ran around it my immediate thought was "Aww heeeell no, he's copied Tigaers Chill Out remake". But then I went around and checked it out properly and came to the conclusion that it's got similiarities but that you're not a copy-ninja ;P, sorry bud. With that said I have to say that you've done a great job on this one. I couldn't anything that wasn't up to par . Keep up the excellent work!" On top of that, download Tigaer's Chill Out, you will find a link to it in his signature at the link I gave you, check it out, take your time, and you will realize that anything of mine that is similar to his is exactly that - similar. We have one room that is similar (the "shotgun room" from Halo 1 Chill Out) but my room is an entire single box (or more) size larger, proportioned differently, uses a bridge instead of stairs, has a tube coming into it, and leads to a different location.