hey FF ever gonna try a sig for me? :squirrel_wink: ive been working on a new calvin johnson 1 but if u want u can try 1 too... http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h161/big...ransfermodi.png http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/ols...vin-johnson.jpg http://www.justsportsazonline.com/images/F...3431ALT1_xl.jpg http://msn.foxsports.com/id/6778498_7_1.jpg http://z.about.com/d/sportscards/1/7/B/4/-...t07_pepsicj.jpg http://www.detroitlions.com/photos/Johnson_Body_070803.jpg http://lionstd.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/ps1.jpg http://www.authenticsportscollectibles.com.../PHOTO1278K.jpg here are some renders im looking at
Most of those links don't work. Only about 2-3 work. 1 doesn't even link to an image. But i'll make you one, if you dont mind.
they worked a second ago ah well yea sure guys...i have little time so its gonna be a while till i get mine going
Insane I thought your old one was better... lol... and yeah I wasn't gonna make a colts one anyways xD Colts suck. I'm from indiana... lol.
The mario one and your current one are my favorites. Mario is win... Nintendo is win... XBox is win too! BUT SONY...Sony is mega-phail
calvin johnson is on the lions.... :squirrel_wtf: this 1 looks more boring i think but its detail is better and the lighting i worked on for quite a while
Oh. Er... Lol... Oh well idc I don't watch football very much... But I do know the Pats are playing in the superbowl. And someone else I just don't remember who. Giants? Oh well...
lol....yes its the giants :squirrel_eyebrow: so the thing with my sig is that its basically light brushes on a gradient kinda...but the whole thing that took me a few hours was the lighting...the original pic's lighting looked nothing like that...i think its kinda cool but meh
Hey, do you think you could make a sig for me? Anything to do with Halo or other stuff would be fantastic. PM me or something if you make it.
your getting really good man, I cant wait to see what you'll do not only in sigs but other things, gj man keep it up.