If you got answers i would like to know them. Dont repost though or post these: 1. Onyx 2. (yet another) halo 3. just so they can make us think theres a halo 4 :squirrel_evil: 4. Earth 5. Forerunner's home planet
weird but at the same time kinda cool, i dunno I still think its a teaser for us to think theres gonna be another Halo game.
There was an intrerview with Jo Staten at Bungie in which he said "yes there is something to be seen in the lights on that mysterious planet at the end" or something to that effect. After watching the legendary ending several times, I can say that I saw a Marathon symbol in the lights. I'm not completly sure what that means but .... Bungie most likely left it open for: 1. Master Chief rescuing the remaining Spartans from the Onyx Shield world 2. Tying Halo with Marathon which would be lame 3. The legendary transcripts of the terminal messages reveal things that Mendicant Bias said to Master Chief, and maybe while Mendicant Bias was "rampant" and sided with the flood he learned the Floods "homeworld" and sent Master Chief to destroy it. I mean he is floating in a ship's backend, can anyone say fusion reactor?
I think it is a shield world: Shield worlds are worlds which are constructed in slipspace, which makes them avoid Halo's blast. Master Chief did get into the portal, as he did not get killed by Installation-04, but did not come out, which leads me to believe that he is trapped in slipspace, and that he is coming upon the shield world. Which would make Ty's 1 and 3 suggestions very likely: he is either trying to rescue the remaining spartans, or that is the Flood homeworld. If the flood homeworld was in slipspace, it would explain their return after the forerunners fired the halos the first time.
I dono... I haven't heard much about Marathon... Is it in the Halo universe as well? I think I should go research it a bit... because I think they said they dont plan on making any more games involving MC - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
1 the shield world is a forerunner structure(look it up in halopedia) 2 marathon is everywhere! if i see another emblem ill start wondering if theres going to be HALO4 feat. Marathon game
Bungie doesn't WANT you to get it. Hell, they probably have a basic outline set up for anything connecting the dots, but nothing specific. And anything specific is likely unpolished crap that would be changed if another game was made. There is no Halo 4, but that doesn't mean there's not something else down the line. Looks mechanical though, you can't tell from Youtube, but on my 22" widescreen, you could see all sorts of little details. If that's the Flood homeworld though, John is screwed. Would really suck if the next Sequel to Halo ended up with you fighting a Flood Spartan, who you used to control. That would be sad.
i honestly hate the flood, they never die, and they are just sick. it better not be the flood homeworld.
I don't think it would be anything with this "Onyx" and "Halo books" business, or Marathon. I don't think they would tie the game into these foolish books or their previous games.
Onyx would be a viable idea if the games followed the books, however if they followed the books he would have died anyways (and I'm not saying he dies in the books, I haven't even read the new one). I believe somewhere in the first book, when they are describing the UNSC ship layout, they tell you that in most UNSC ships the cockpit and power/generators are in the front. Now, if Chief is where he is at the end of the game (the back half of the ship, would someone care to explain how Cortana or the Cryotubes are still working? Cause if either doesn't work he would die in space. I personally think that was just put in there so they (not referring to Bungie, I'll explain in a moment) can make a sequal if they want. The only reason I'm not saying Bungie put it in there (cause they did) so that they could make a sequal is because Microsoft and Bungie split so Bungie could be independant. However, Microsoft still owns the rights for the Halo franchise. Which means they could very well choose to have someone other than Bungie make a "Halo 4", of course chances are it would suck... But anyways, Bungie may also have opted to put it in to tie it with Marathon, which if not done very well would probably look stupid. However they have a lot already tied in. The symbol on the recon armor, the rocket launcher (SPNKR) and flamethrower (the shark thing on the side I think, haven't played Halo 3 in a while though). There's probably a lot more but I should probably stop this unnessicarrily long and grammaticly incorrect post now. Tim
Er. I'm pretty sure Bungie still owns Halo. Why would they make auto-updates or DLC for something they didn't own?
Microsoft owns the rights to Halo, it was in the Bungie news a while ago, however they are still hiring Bungie to make DLC for them. http://myhalonews.com/rampancy/microsoft-owns-halo-no-outside-investors-in-bungie/ While Microsoft does own Halo, they are likely to continue to get Bungie to make the series if they can, just because they know if Bungie makes it it will draw in sales. Tim