This idea came from "The Pit". Gametypes that are not made by me need 200% Gravity, so you don't get out. Also inspired by boardness. That's all. Weapon List in map : 8xAssault Rifles 4xBR 2xShotguns 2xSR 2xMachine gun Turrets 4xAll grenades 1xOvershields Download Map Download T Slayer Gametype Download Multi Flag Gametype Pics : Flag Spawn/Blue Base Blue Base Armory Outside of Blue Base Flag Spawn/Red Base Red Base Armory Outside Red Base Outside Map/Hangers M for MLG Ninja Download and test. Then tell me what I need to change!
I like how you used the back part of foundry that most people just block off. This looks like an average map. You used interlocking where you needed it, but the map just doesn't have that "fresh" factor. Maybe a little hastily made, especially since you need to turn up gravity to stop people from getting out. A suggestion for improvments is make the map bigger a spend more time on the little details that just make people go wow. Keep on forgin'!
i agree with what flaming omelet is saying, this seems a little hastily made. your walls need to be higher, and dont ask people to change it to 200% gravity. they wont do that, i wont do that. i dont see anything perticularily special here, except using the back of foundry. sorry.
......i Hate People WHY? How hard is it to make a map without an armory i mean really. If someone shows me a "arena" map that A: Is not called arena B: Has NO armory C: Balanced weapons and power ups I will forever give their maps high ratings no matter what. GO KIRBY (>^^)>
I think it's accually a good map, I think why alot of people call it arena is so people know what the map is. And it needs an armory because if you charge into a arena with a AR while others have rockets and shotguns and active camo. And having balanced weapons and power-ups would be really hard. I think he did a good job.
I don't think calling it arena is that bad but armouries never make for good gameplay. I think this could be a great map if it was a bit larger and it didn't have an armoury
uhhhhhhhhhh WTF. The screen shot with the trucks is the IDENTICAL one from UNCS Wharehouse link: Look at the only pic] why?