Escalate : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply ListingLong after the war had ended, many had thought that all flood had been erased and incerated along with there fallen comrades. Butt deep in the mountains, there remained but a handful of flood. A handful the marines where determined to finally destroy. So they went up to the top of the mountain and searched for what no one pridicted to be there doom. There turned out tobe thoudsands and thousands that where sleeping, until this day. You are the spartansa and have been sent in to destoy the flood. After arriving the flood had swarmed them and attacked slowly destroyed them one by one. After all flood had died the spartans went crazy from there fallen comrades death and attacked each other until there was one.... And that's the story for map, I have not been here recently because i got Banned for mass spam. But I have revoked my evil ways and shall never do it again. So i now present you with my new map escalate. It's a mountain that has three short tunnels and high areas and low areas with plenty of jumps and almost all of it is interlocked and it is also geomerged so that i could achieve different hieghts in the mountain. This map is meant for 2-8 people for oddball and FFA also mosh pit or crazy king works well. Now on to the weapons. battle rifle-5-30 assault rifle-2-30 plasma rifle-3-30 spiker-4-30 brute shot-1-45 sniper rifle-1-120 shotgun-1-120 ( with no extra clips) needler-1-45 flamthrower-1-90 plama pistol-2-30 Equipment Regenater-1-60 active camo-1-120 overshield-1-120 bubble shield-1-60 Vehicles- N/A Finally pic's Overview Overview 2 Shotgun spawn Ative camo tunnel (mancannon brings you back up) Inside atice camo tunnel (don't have to crouch to walk Overshield side tunnel Hmmmmm What might this lead to OMG! It's a flamethrower Hope you like my map and rate it, also download and leave GOOD feedback so my next map is better, i like to think my forging is getting better.
i thought it was infection, till i took a good look. the map looks realy good. although, i hate active camo, and overshields. but this is still a good map. nice interlocking.
Looks decent, but I think you might shine in making a symmetrical map, because this looks almost as f items were placed randomly.
It looks really good, but has some mistakes. The double boxes on the ground should be interlocked. I know you know how to do it, and that's the only reason I'm suggesting it. Also, unless there is a reason for the double and single walls to be tilted, you should straighten them. It looks nicer. Overall though, those are just tiny mistakes and this map definitally deserves a 4.5/5. You should make a v2 to make it a 5/5.
LoK x ChAos x I think the random aspect is cool. I personally hate shotgun and am glad you only put 1 clip in it. I think people might camp in flamethrower spawn though. I also like how its open. ictypaloeit
The map is pretty cool. I like the idea of pillars in different heights, but the other things bother me, like the random boxes that look difficult to get through and some things don't look interlocked that well. But overall, it's still a nice map. 4.3/5
Thanks guys, i am working on fixing it today and work on it to make a V.2 that is clean and interlocked
looks good, but it think that the v2 will be neater. try maybe making a little less random, making the boxes need each other but this is good
i like this map. the varying sizes of the towers and i like the design. i do have to descrepencies though.. 1 interlock all floor boxes and two i think the flamethrower is a bit too powerful for this maps size
It looks pretty good. The interlocking is really nice and the map layout looks really interesting. I really like the lower tunnels and I like how complex and multi-dimensional the map is. The walls that enclose the map are my only problem. They look a little sloppy. Other than that great job.
this suxors..... ha ha sarcasm is funny. Does anyone else think he should post vid tours. anyone anyone please... no not the belt GO KIRBY (>^^)> BTW spelling errors!!!
wtf is what i said when i saw this, but then i looked at the other screen shots, very smooth interlockiong. good work.....4.5/5