Nade Ball Court V2 By : II MLG Ninja II The V2 Versionof my Nade Ball Court. The point is to stick or kill with grenades Download Map :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Proof :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pics : Overview Red Base Blue Base Action Pics : M for MLG Ninja Help by ssMR 47 for Testing! Enjoy!
? no description at all? i don't count that line as a description >_> what stops me from meeling you? what about nadeing the crap out of the exit point landing area? dont know about this map...
I don't think these other people were correct in telling you to change your base concept in the first place. Assuming that the gametype made it so that a team wins after a certain amount of kills, and not which ever team has more kills at the end of a certain time, your previous layout would have worked out just fine. So what if they got 1 point ahead and stayed in their base? They wouldn't win. Another thing is that being able to stay in your base actually adds to gameplay. For example: Lets say a team was using this strategy... One or two teammates would be out in the field distracting the other team. Because the other team is so focused on your teammate(s) trowing grenades at them, the rest of your team could catch the other team off guard buy jumping out of their base all at once and hurling a barrage of grenades at the opposing team. Your team would have the upper hand for those few seconds, possibly picking up a few points and gaining the lead. However, now that you have changed your base concept, this completely eliminates any strategy. It just turns this map into a hectic spawn n' throw as many nades as possible type of game. In my opinion I think your old map was a lot better. But that's just me. Hope ya take my advice.
I'm guessing you made the map "camp proof"?? Good, but still there have been many of these maps. Not very original.
it is improved, i like when people listen, but there is still problems, if you check the firts post he hit a lot of points, are there jumping imits, so you dont leap ove?
Just to chime in... Does it really matter whether he made another "dodgeball" map variant? Just because it has been done before doesn't mean that it has been done well. And this is just me, but this is the first I've seen a base system incorporated in a dodgeball styled map. Again, nice job Ninja!
I like how you made this nadeball court, i made a game similar to this, Dodgeball LS, i'm not quite sure if you lowered the gravity, but if you didn't the people could easily hop the fence, and wouldn't the fence block any granade throwing, or would all throws lob of the walls?