Extermination Master MCV Supported Gametypes: Infection Map Description Humans Info: Extermination is a medium sized map that uses roughly 3/4ths of the foundry space. The map is divided into three sections each one a little easier to defend. The first area is small and has little cover so use teamwork to cover the two areas the zombies could enter from. Next after 45 seconds you are able to open the door and enter area two. This area is filled with boxes crates and barrels which is why it was nicknamed Storage. The boxes provide a great view of the area but be warned the many objects put in this area makes it hard to defend if you lose a zombie. Finally after two minutes the three entrances to the third area are opened I suggest you head over to the flamethrower because there is a extra clip for three other weapons. Sticking together is the only way to win try to outlast the zombies or die in the process. Zombie Info: After a failed experiment you become aggresive and attack anything that is not your ally on sight. 20 seconds into the game you have the choice to leave or stay and taunt the humans. As the humans open the gate it is usually your best chance to attack because they believe they are home free make them think otherwise. After two minutes the humans have an even better area to defend an broken down fort that was never completed while construction was going on. Luckily for you there are four entrances to this fort two underneath, one to the side, and the main gate which is guarded by two turrets. Also watch out for the sniper tower it is recommened to take the sniper out first because the others would be low on ammo and would waste it trying to kill you from afar. Infect all the humans before seven minutes time or you lose the game. Weapons: Their are many weapons on this map the more powerful ones have no clips left in them while teh weaker ones like the assault or battle rifle have one clip left in them. P.S these weapons never respawn so use them carefully! ________________________________________ Zombies spawn in the testing room Humans spawn in the room next to the zombies so they can run away Vehicles and new technology is produced here A door that works when it feels like it What storage looks like during 45secs Small changes make all the difference The new and improved raised platform The Sniper Tower complete with shotgun! Whats left of the armory after years of fighting Underneath the foundations of the raised platform _________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download Extermination Download Last Stand
this map looks pretty cool. i see you used alot of good forging techniques. all of which are good. however the map seems random and confusing. sometimes you just interlocked because you could. usually this is a good thing, but sometimes its over done. either way. this map looks coo. 4/5
I like that this isn't just a "go hide in the base and live as long as you can" map. I like the open feeling and it's always kinda scary when you find yourself alone in these places. It looks good but it's a little sloppy in places but still I'll give it a 4/5
looks like you havent change that much to this map since the v1 ou posted uesterday could you make note of what you changed in a description please?
I thought the first version was just fine, but whatever. You should say some things that you changed so people like me who commented on the last one know what you fixed or changed. Again, great map.