The Last Level Created by Asper49 This was it - the final battle. After months of conflict the team of 8 heroes had arrived at the lair of their nemesis, END BOSS. They'd fought through 157 levels of eclectic game design incorporating 2D side-scrolling, the entirety of the Doom franchise (including Final Doom), Pokemon trading via wifi connectivity and elements of traditional western RPG character levelling, all featuring fully hand-drawn textures. Standing before END BOSS's gigantic abode, they reflected for a moment on how far they had come since they set out from Hobbiton. Meanwhile, inside his lair END BOSS was hatching a plan to deal with the story's heroes once and for all. After receiving word from his dark pigeons, he already knew he was facing a band of very high level prestige class characters. Turning to his minions, he announced in a baritone voice, "It's time for some PvP, so start buffing fools. Pray to god you don't let me down, or they'll unlock the invincibility cheat and we'll get it handed to us repeatedly for a week. Now listen up, I've got a plan. I get in a tank, and you guys run around a bit firin' ur gunz. That's about it. Oh and remember I want many whelps on the left side..." Back outside, the combatants entered the lobby to prepare for stage one. Would they defeat END BOSS? Did they remember to save their game!? _________________________________________________ In The Last Level everyone starts out with 3 lives. The defending team has a VIP, a tank and of course many whelps on the left side. The VIP is the "Boss" and the "Whelps" are his weak minions. The Boss is the only one who can drive the tank. The "Hero" (attacking) team doesn't have a VIP and they spawn outside where they pick their class. They then go through a teleporter which takes them into the tunnel inhabited by the Boss. After the Boss is killed for the first time he spawns in the second stage area, where he waits for the Heroes to enter. After the Boss dies a second time the Heroes go through another teleporter and end up in the third stage area, a large room. In this room the boss has a choice - he can go for the custom power up which gives him Vampirism (allowing him to leech health), but which also does minor damage to him when he isn't inflicting any damage; or he can ignore the custom powerup and fight without it. Will he be defeated? Pick from 8 different classes Stage One: Heroes fight against the Boss, who is in a tank The Tank blasting through the wall Stage two: Heroes fight against the Boss in his normal form Stage Three: The Heroes fight the Boss for the last time. But the boss has Vampirism now! Download The Last Level Download Boss Battle Gametype
i love this i never would of thought to put a game like this into a first person shooter im dling right now!!!
This looks awesome... a really cool take on VIP, and a REALLY cool idea with choosing your class. nice vid too.
This looks pretty sweet! and that video had some pretty good resolution, and really well put together. The game looks pretty fun if you get enough people to play it. I really like the class choice option! I think it adds a lot to the game play, as you are able to control the variation/change every time you play it. Great story line and equally great execution. Very well done. I will have to give this game a shot next time I have a party.
I was a beta tester! And glad to be one. One of THE MOST fun and INNOVATIVE games I have EVUR PLAYED. Great job everyone! 10/10
i have to admit, i seriously lawled when i read the intro. I've always wanted to see a boss battle map.
My favorite moments when playing the game is shen you start the game and the teams are in the wrong spawns.
Uh... rusty that was in the old version. We fixed that entirely... I NEARLY CUT MYSELF MANY TIMES DOING THAT DAMN SPAWN SYSTEM!!!! I hate you Asper... definitely was my biggest spawn challenge to date. Took me 3 hours to test it enough to get it right.
very well done! nice take off of the Team Fortress Last Resort maps, and innovative use of VIP. awesome intro, and i can't wait to try it out w/ a big party
that looks so good I will definately play that at my LAN. does it work well with 14 people? regardless, I am downloading ASAP. thanks for this one guys also, I really can't wait to check out the spawn system, I really want to see how it got put together, as I want to have that in one of my maps as well. cheers!
Very innovative idea... I liked the video; the wall of small crates getting blasted away by the tank... so epic. And Shock Theta, the intro was great. So many different references, HOLY CRAP
Thank you shock! the intro is great, I laughed so hard. and that's a minus 50 DKP for mentioning that rusty, I will transferring that DKP to AZN for doing the spawns the first version, he will be needing it soon...
Really unique idea and excellent execution/post! I'm really looking forward to playing this with a large group. It must have taken forever to perfectly block off all the exits!! :squirrel_wink: