Read the topic posted as "The Pentagon (revised:apologized: now voting original or revised)" That will give you the story... Also forge hub users remember I do not wish to have politics brought into this. =) thanks All I need is your votes to know what the public wants...
If your map's main building with the bomb planting area looks like the Pentagon, then keep that in the name but take out "bomb the" for political reasons and because creating a one flag variant wouldn't be too hard and would boost the longevity of the map.
Name the map "The Pentagon" or just "Pentagon". And if you want a gametype just name it "(something from the gametype) the big impotant building" or something like that.
Take out "Bomb the" for political reasons Like said above, if it is in a pentagonal shape, keep the name Pentagon If not, then why on earth did you name it that in the first place?
It is shaped like a pentagon, but the game type that will be played with it is neutral assault, not ctf.... and as for the moderator I do apologize about these forums but after all isn't that what this website is about? I'm just trying to work hard to make this map the best it can be by telling people whats coming so far, and what they'd like to see me add to it... Anything else you say or assume is incorrect... I know its your job but just try to remember why this website was made.
jjbrich, keep in mind bending to the demand to rename just proves the terrorrists right and gives them sick satisfaction that what htey did weakend us
The pentagon is ok, though you might want to rename that cuz it might offend someone. Bomb the pentagon is a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD name, and should be removed b4 the FBI, CIA,and so on start to investigate u.
It's not bending my freedom, I do realize that I could name it what ever I want it to be, but I do however wish to incorporate the publics opinion in this map.
I have a good word for you, it comes from meet the parents... BOMB BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BA BOMB Too bad I can't flood the polls.