Either way, extra work on my part. Then I'd have to imageshack it. With Skitch all I have to do is press one button that's right there on the interface and it instantly uploads. It also lets me instantly upload webcam pics taken with Skitch.
A thing called FireShot is an equivalent to Skitch if you have Firefox. Anyway, (Notice my dock? =DDD)
**** impracticality. It's freaking awesome. And it's a plugin for the graphics manager, so I assume the guy who made the video enabled a reflection for his switcher.
Chips, you know how to hide the macintosh HD and "My book", right? BTW, why have the dock on the left? Mine's on the bottom, and hidden.
Because I simply like it on the left. Do you have a problem with that? Anyway, if you look ever so closely, The HD is behind the Skype window.
I know. AND? I wasn't talking about that. Also, next to the apple on the top left, click finder, then preferences. From there, you can make all the stuff on the desktop... DISAPPEAR!!!
I keep them there, mainly because I access them a lot. I'm not trying to win a desktop beauty pageant, unlike Nemi, Reynbow, and yourself.
Glad you've recognized us as the competitors in an irrational, unwinnable (Due to some being unable to admit/recognize defeat) battle for the most orgasmic desktop ever.
Chips, I think we all know that I win every beauty pageant there is... Seriously, come on. Ahhh, finally you recognise your short comings... It's about time too...
I admit, you win. So... Gimme that tree wallpaper! That one... somewhere... BTW, mine rotates between wallpapers.
I like to control my wallpaper, not rotate them. Stop trying to show off simple applications that are very basic and very easy to acquire~
The tray I installed to change my wallpapers only changes it when I click on it. A lot of control, and very simply. It looks in my wallpaper folder and picks a wallpaper out of it.
I picked out a selection containing only the wallpapers I WANTED to cycle through, then made my mac do so.