Well everyone has topics about what they want in a map or who wants to help me make a map. This is different. Those who want to make a map in a group. Post here with your gamer tag and then we will meet on Live. Everyone says do that do this well now you can show people your ideas while we debate so it is visual. Not sure what map or what kind of map that will be discussed online. Don't post and tell me that you will come if needed. No one is needed just its more fun with other people. Post your gamertag if you want to join. List of People 1. XfX Catastrophe 2. xZonKeD 3. MackMack5 4. Szafranko 5. MostFoozy 6. Protofury 7.Jack268
Make sure you keep a list of all of the people that sign up... this can be a good map idea debate thing if done well. Just modify your first post and add a list of GTs...
Hey, ill help out i have alot of expirience with forge, its one of the first aspects of the game i liked GT : MostFoozy
Sign me up! As long as no one deletes the stuff I'm working on I love Forging in a group. You'll just have to get used to the OCD and pickiness I have when creating may maps, however. Some people don't like forging with me because of it :squirrel_wink: Anyways while being modest I'm really experienced in the Forge, I spend 70-80% of my time there so if I'm online just get ahold of me. I'm usually online on weekends so send me sumthin this weekend. I'm ProtoFury btw in case it wasn't obvious lol.
OK sign ups for The first session of Forgers Assemble is closed. Tonight I will send friend requests to the gamer tags on my list. How does meeting moday night sound to everyone on the list?
Yah just so ya know, my gamertag is mackmack5, not mackmack hay if you want you could take me off the list for this week. I'm on vacation and left my Xbox at home. also what i think you should do is extend the list so if people don't show up, you could invite other people on the list. if you look at the main page, the custom game night has a overflow list, and something like that would be perfect in a thing like this. i also suggest making a gamertag for this, again, like they do in the custom game nights. ~mackmack5