That is epic, wonder how it's going to work with the whole copyright thing... Looks like you need to put the disk in to confirm that you have it, then you can take the disk out to play without the annoying 360 fan going maybe. Good stuff, this may redeem some of the mistakes I feel M$ is making with this update.
I can seriously not wait.But you do understand that they will most likley (If they're smart) take out the game saving addition because everyone is going to be borrowing from friends and renting games.They should put a fee of like 800 microsoft points from stopping them from losing money.But the HD effect is awsome especially how it is organized and easy to find.Though it didn't show what it looked like while someone was signed in so who knows if they still have themes ,gamerpics ,etc. But awsome find and can't wait!
This is kinda old news but nevertheless good nes! I want the Fall update right now because it is going to be so awesome! It gets me excited just thinking about it!
It looks pretty cool from what I see, though the old style layout seemed more original to me. This runs way faster though, no more lag. Now I don't have to wait longer to open up the text menu than it does for me to type 'Yes' to a question... As for downloading, yes, you still need a disk to play the game, but what it does do is lessen loading times for the games, which is a plus, but it takes up more space on your xbox.
I like the old way better. And for anyone with a pro (most people), all those movies and installing crap is no good for the 20 gig. The only reason they are implementing this is so they can make us spend the money on an upgraded HD.
Actually, the 20Gb harddrive is only 14Gb, but I still have plenty of room. I'll probably install Halo 3 and still have an extra 5Gb left over. Also, I'm so excited for the group chat, up to 8 people! Now we don't have to worry about a laggy mic.
Wait one game will take up 9Gb's??Holf **** I might have to buy the god damned elite. Please tell me what your saying is lies.
Use common sense. I'll still have 5Gb left over. I still have stuff on my HD at the moment such as movies, tv shows, demos, arcade games, theme, gamerpics, etc. If you actually watched the video, you would see that GTA IV is less than 7Gb. Halo 3 will be much less than that, considering GTA has better graphics and is just a big game period.
Not only will it speed up load times but think about it like this. If you have the game installed on your HDD, the disc is acting like a key to open a door. Once you're in you don't need the key anymore which means your discs will last longer and have less scratches. This also means you wont have the Xbox humming noise the whole time because it wont be reading the disc so it wont be spinning the disc. A much quiter Xbox360 =] These are dual layer DVD discs yes? So up to 8GB per game. Not that big of a deal if you have a 120GB HDD, like myself =P Xbox 360 Elite is the only real way to go. I went over to my friends house a couple weeks ago and I played halo on his standard Xbox360, the white console. Wholey hell, it takes like 3 times longer to load everything. I didn't realise the Elite was so much faster then the other versions...