Tips On Leveling Up In Halo 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Playerhata27, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thanks and I knew that the sensitivity thing always helps.

    Added to the list.
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Wow that is a nice comprehensive guide. I believe the whole 1 sensitivity thing, but maybe you should show us a video of your mad skills with a BR. that would be great.
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thanks and If someone could film me then I would!

  4. l 1337 Hax0r l

    l 1337 Hax0r l Ancient
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    Thanks that might help. I think I will try social with 1 sensitivity and see if I improve.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yeah well if your a big sensitivity player at first I recoomend you first switch to 2 or 3 so you get the feel of it because it might b to sudden for ya.

    But whatever you like.
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Nice tip on sensitivity, i'll try it. I definitely agree with the communication and teamwork section a lot. Usually when I know I'm going to die, I try to "marty-dom" the person at the last second and yell "one shot" so my friends can pick him off. I also agree with the whole subject on kill stealing. Sometimes, I just do damage to enemies heading towards my teamates with my BR even though I know I won't kill them just so they can have an advantage when they meet up. I occasionally help with with the last few shots too, but that's not "kill stealing" at all.

    I also have a big grenade tip for you (sorry for the wall of text). When you have plasma and frag grenades ALWAYS switch to the plasma. Remember where the plasma grenades spawn because if used correctly, a player can turn it into a power weapon that has a similar effect to the rockets. Many people will say "I'm a terrible sticker so I don't use plasma" but really you don't need to stick(or even shouldn't because of occasional lag) with them at all. Plasma are naturally the better grenade because they DON'T bounce. With frags, you have to jam the grenade in a corner or chuck it at the ground (sometimes straight down) which takes an extra three seconds, to aim it, have the grenade bounce before it explodes, and then put your gun (if you're not dead yet) back onto the persons head. Frags also have a reduced damage rate 80% of the time because when you bounce it off the ground or muffle it's effect in a crevice or corner, it usually is not hitting the most surface area of the body, most of the time being too high and to the right or left. With a plasma,(many people do not know this) you can get a one hit kill if it explodes inbetween the feet of the enemy, where the most surface area is effected. You also don't give the enemy time to move out of the way or take down your shields because it almost instantly detonates. Another thing you can do with stickies that gives you the edge is the strategic chain reaction. When you see a target running towards you on your radar, chuck a sticky at the ground, then back up and aim towards your enemy's entrance point. Throw the second grenade when you see the whites of their eyes and it will explode at the same time as the first in their face resulting in you laughing your ass off and walking away without any damage.
    #46 ZANDER1994, Jul 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  7. Ali Legend

    Ali Legend Ancient
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    Look sensitivity:Now when I saw this I know some of your jaws are going to drop and you going to scream "OMG" ,but my look sensitivty is on 1.Some of you probally think that is soooo slow but its actually not.You can turn at a nice pace and your aim is extremelysteady.If in the begginig you don't like 1 then try 2 or 3 (default).And I also know some of you have heard pros play on 10 or around there and some of you probally play on that too but its not true.Some pros actually do play on 1 and thats how their aim is so steady.So just try it out ,and trust me I've been doing this since Halo 2 and have gotten far.

    o_O I actually play on 10...
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    thats great, I didnt think of putting my sensetivity on 1. and i was thinking you were going to post up the cheat way of getting to highest skill 50 without trying. I hate that, halo isnt fun when someone has to cheat. and im not posting the cheat because i dont want to see it happen more...
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol thanks for the feedback and a wall of text.I'll add what you said to the grenade section =).And I'll + rep you for repping me bish.

    Are you saing your going to try a low sensitivity or are yoiu just being a smart ass?

    Yeah cheating is only good in custom games (Well modding ,standbying in custom is just like....sad.)But thanks and if this helped you please tell me the result of it.

    Also I'm changing the title due to the excessive amo9unt of guides and this is just tips basically (and because I was mentioned in the forgecast for this lol).

    But again thanks to everyone!!!
  10. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Awesome guide, now all I need to do is find a partner, but you said where to find them, so good job.
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    You can also find them here or any forum I guess.

    But is probally the most professional place to find them.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Woah your a General? Wow, I'll have to play with you sometime.
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol no...I'm a brig ,but I can get my 50 when my partner comes online.

    *Puts thread back on topic*
  14. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    im sorry but this will only help people below forty, because i guarantee that most people over forty will either know this from experience or common sense.
    PS. Don't be boosters everyone, if you can't get high without playing with second accounters, hackers, mlg players, pro's, etc, you don't deserve it and no one will like you. sorry.
  15. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    This seems like an overall helpful guide but i do disagree with the aiming sensitivity. Do whatever feels right for you, don't go too slow(1-3) if you feel you can do better, but at the same time don't go too fast(7-10) if you are having trouble handling it, and are becoming sloppy with aiming. Also, what I do is change my sensitivity depending on gametype; Snipers I usually use 5, while in SWAT I usually use 6. And if I feel that I'm getting sloppy, I just go back to a 4. It's all relative, use what you thinks' appropriate.
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well some level 40+ are new and just got that high from friends.I have friends that are above 40 and didn't know this.And agin these are tips.

    Yes thank you.Whatever fits you is fine.I just play on 1 and it works for me.But whatever fits you right then go right ahead.
  17. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Very good idea ..
    However most of the stuff is pretty common sense ..
    But i liked the part grenade timing ..
    And the matchmaking tips were pretty good except the communication ..
    I only speak if i'm playing with friends .. So then i do what you said ..
    But i play alot on my own where i don't speak ..

    Very nice tut though!
  18. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well yeah I reccomend playing with a team or finding some people in matchmaking and getting comfortable playing with them.Know their strengths and weaknesses.Their main weapons and such.But maybe sometimes you get random people that you feel comfortable talking too.

    Thanks man =)
  19. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    good guide! I play on 10 sensitivity now only because of halo 2. It was back in the "superbounce" era lol and I was apart of it. You had to be able to look around quickly just in case you mess up in the air. Eventually I just learned to play with it all around and I'm still pretty good in matchmaking. If any of you want to learn how to play on 10 sensitivity, go superjump on halo 2 lol. It helps. I like how you play on 1 too. Impressive :)
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thanks and 10 dayumm.But yesh superbounces were epic win in the old days.To bad there gone forever...

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