Downfall v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rifick, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Rifick

    Rifick Ancient
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    Downfall v2

    Layout: For the layout I've cut out the back rooms making the shape of the map simmilar to ons. I've placed a tower in the four remaining corners, two for each team. Connectin the teams towers is a bridge. The defending base has an outer wall while the attacking base has the mid level of there towers extended as well as a center structure to cut of a few angles.



    Gameplay: Plays well any team based game 2-8 players as well as small FFAs 3-6 players.
    Onesided objectives are perticularly fun such as one bomb territories & one flag. I also like to play MLG customs on this map to warm up despite the sentinel beams.



    14 BR 3 clips 30 seconds
    6 Carbines 3 clips 45 seconds
    2 maulers 1 clip 90 seconds
    2 Sentinel Beams 120 seconds

    More pics avilable on the maps forum.

  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I think that it would be better if you put more pictures at different angles of the map. And I was about to say that you could make MLG out of this but you have already included it i see. ( I hate MLG But this looks fun for it) Very nice interlocking, I love the way you done the center piece. All in all this looks like a good map to play on!
  3. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    this looks like a very good mlg map but i hate mlg sorry thats just how i am 3/5
  4. Rifick

    Rifick Ancient
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    Plays well but is not specific to MLG.
  5. MLG Ninja

    MLG Ninja Ancient

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    looks cool, good interlocking, equal, but not even close to MLG, though it would look like one
  6. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    very clean interlocking, but i would have turned the double boxes over. The gameplay on this map is very good. make a V2 please. it will be perfect!!!!
  7. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    It looks like this would be a good MLG map to play on bu the main thing for MLG maps that I have seen, that re-occurs in nearly every one is the lack of cover. Adding cover greatly improves gameplay and competitiveness (if that's a word).

    The structures you have made are great already but some of the double boxes might look better flipped over. And as for open boxes, it works really well if you geo-merge them into the ground. Read the Forging 101 guide if you do not yet know to do this.

    Hopefully we'll see these improvements in a V3 if you decide to make one. Good luck.
  8. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i am sure i rated on the first one and really liked it and this one is really good as well i like the bit in the middle
  9. Rifick

    Rifick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did not flip the boxes in the center wall because I felt it by doing so it added a little to the feel of the map. I honestly did not think it looked as good when I fliped those certain boxes. as for cover this map has a a fair ammount of cover compared to most MLG maps. I feel this map is close to final. I may geo merge the one open box into the ground, but that would not be change enough to make it a v3.
    #9 Rifick, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  10. UnderlineFlyer

    UnderlineFlyer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really an impressive map. A huge improvement from kata.

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