Beaver Creek Remake Hello ForgeHub, I am in the middle of doing the impossible and remaking Beaver Creek The point of the thread is to tell me any advice, encouragement,suggestions, i also need a name for the map or just what to make sure i include in this never ending forge. this has took about a month already and i have only started one base i need anything that can help me out in making this map since im on the hard part now. anything of that nature would be greatly appreciated in yur comments.
Haha that's cool! i can't wait to see the final project! if you need any help what so ever send me a FR at Th Kn1ght... This is gonna be epic!
All i can say is that it should be pretty cool, and not that hard, the only bad thing is how small foundry is.
the underground bases. geomerging every box into the wall with no bumps. its hard. atleast my version will be
Look at this thread, it has alot of advice in it-
lol yea i know i am being careful. stairs and fenceboxes will be used to block it off. possibly gravlifts and sheild doors if it gets to bad, if it gets horiffic i shall use dumpsters!
use short barriers on their side for trees. make sure to use weapon holders to avoid knocking them over.
I used to have a version of beaver creek... the glass on top of the bases was replaced with pallets, so you had to break those in order to get in from the top like breaking the glass. That was the only thing cool from that level. Good Luck
I'm still waiting for silence's version.=[ But, you need to make sure you plan out your map so you don't run out of resources.
Well this s a big challenge but if your up for it go ahead.Definately send me a FR at Playerhata27 I would love to help. But to the map definately include the tunnels and the tree.Those are the major things people will remember trust me.and the rest just use your knowledge of the map.