I dunno why the colors seem a little off. I don't get what it means by Retro, but I really don't care about Photoshop that often. Anyways, I would suggest making it something at least brighter, it looks like smudges. (No offense.) I like the background, alot. Infact, on the top left I like that part the most.
Sadly Lock, this is the first signature of yours That I haven't thought well of. It seems a little tacky, I understand where your coming from, but it seems just off for some reason. Maybe some Lighting changes... make the background a little darker with your name and render the same... make them pop more... or even just your name... I cant really say what im thinking... its just not my style i suppose.
may I ask what you used for to outline the spartan? Was it just a simple outline with the paths tool and then edit>strokes path or stroke selection? Or am I making this too complicated and you used a brush?
It looks ok .. I like the layout of the sig but i dislike the orange .. And i think that your current sig is soo much better then that one ..
Whisper, whats with all the flaming youve been doing lately? Anyways, I like the idea but the text and corner thingy isnt working for me. Its still very good though.
i dont know, i really like the idea of it, but ill agree with adding a little bit more. maybe add a bit more and make a tut? that would be nice
It's good, but the render isn't Retro/Vector style. That kinda ruins it. Maybe you should have gone for a different render? Good anyhow..
Okay. 1. There is no depth. It looks like you just cut and pasted a spartan onto the background. Try adding in some dark brushing on low opacity or some images on a low opacity with some blurring to make your background more complex. 2. It's just boring. Add in some more stuff, maybe have a few things that curl around the spartan instead of him just being in the front. That way, it makes it seems like he's actually a part of the signature, instead of just on top of it. 3. The lighting is way off. You need to add a light source to show where the light on the spartan is coming from. You can do this with the lighting function in Photoshop. Also, try adding some gradient and coloring layers to make the spartan match up with the background colors more. Happy?
exactly and anyways, the colors are dull cuz it is supposed to look old, and orange and brown were used in a lot of thing back in the 70s and 80s
I personally like it. Although, the more I look at it the more I do think there could be a little... more. Still, I think its good.