You cant do anything with that second elephant. The elephant's spawn is built it. you can move it, but no matter how hard you try, you cant edit the spawn for the elephant. The idea with the teleporters was a good idea though. Making it so you cant drive/operate the turret renders it a big hunk of metal in the middle of nowhere.
you could put explosives under the back of the elephant so it will get displaced by a falling fushion coil.
why not just block off the 2nd elephant from the world.. as in use a buncho crates n stuff.. make sure they cant be moved so i suggest the place and save techneique... and delete any air vehicles it'll be like the elephant tank never even existed.. but the random wall was always there.. also nice idea for KOTH it should but a very competetive twist on things..
We have had some lag issues, other times it was ok. It all depends. :squirrel_jaffa: The problem with just blocking off the elephant was that it got in the way as we tried to move the other elephant around the board. I may have to try just blowing it out of the way, if that is possible, at the beginning of the game. HMMMM. That might work. :squirrel_rocking:
yeah, at this point I think I may just try to wall off the second elephant. But I distinctly remember a friend's forge map for infection that had only one. But when I tried to edit it, there were two still... Although, since infection is asymmetric, that's probably why it disappeared.