Just so everybody knows, the new CoD game is NOT called CoD 5. It is called CoD: World at War Infinity Ward got the rights to make CoD 5, and World at War is not made by infinity ward (could be treyarch, but i dont know). i just saw a bunch of people saying CoD 5. Alright if you're just abbreviating, i just wanted to make sure everybody knew.
i think the makers of this game went in the wrong direction, i know the name BTW. I think what made cod 4 great, was the modern warfare, the new guns, and all the customizations you could have. They wont have that, going back in time, there will be no red dot sight, grenade launchers, and silencers, so theres no weapon upgrades, and so i dont think the game will feel as rewarding, and WW2 games or whatever it is, annoy me, and even the best that all my friends love, i hate.
i agree. i loved the weapon customization in 4. WaW probably wont be as good(except online co-op). infinity ward should biuld off what they did with 4 in 5.
i never knew that, you made me SMARTERERER thx for the tip, i need to tell my friend who calls it cod5 all the time
10-15 sounds good, so nothing drastic could happen, no lasers or anything like that, but like perks so you can see enemys through light walls, instead of night vision heat vision, stuff like tht,
I think treyarch is making the game... I really wish Infinity Ward would make it again... Although the new one looks pretty epic, I'm gonna miss COD4
hey knight, maybe you and i should make a game, and call it cod 5. That would be epic, can you say "Game of the year"?
yeah i really hope they make WaW somewhat customizable, different perks, but im not sure what else...
ughh the ww2 theme is going to suck balls im not even giong to buy it unless they give out something new and original which is kind of hard considering they're toying with histroy lol
yeah im not expecting online multiplayer to be great, but they might suprise me. what i am pumped for is online co-op.