just sign if you do and why. I have to rules 1:no flaming 2:no pokemon is stupid. keep that to yourself I myself love it,since i've played it since I was big enough to grasp the controler.
Well, blue version was my first game, and it's the only game other than advance wars thats worth buying for the DS.
no, i don't like it cause when i did, i had a bunch of cards and all the little kids were like where did you get that???? i will buy it for 50 cents!!!
Pokemon is timeless. I've had blue, red, yellow, gold, silver, diamond and pinball, and than the second pinball, snap, stadium and hey you pikachu. It's great. I must say though I love gold/silver era the best. Traveling between Johto and Kanto was badass, and the amount of catchable pokemon was huge. Sadly, I just learned that it is possible to catch mew in red/blue/yellow. Theres a certain glitch that causes him to appear. If I was even able to locate my red or yellow (blue destroyed by the missingno glitch), than I'd have to find my GBA at least..and hop it's not full of sand or something. I hope platinum is worth buying.
I still enjoy playing the games, but keep anything that's not in a video game format away from me. Those things ceased to be entertaining long ago.
You like mudkipz? I used to like pokemon when there were 151 pokemon. Now there are like 1000. Too many IMO .__. But pokemon is awesome. I'm too old for that **** now too
Pokemon rules. Most of the games are good, and they never get old. I have yet to beat Ruby and Sapphire, but all the other games I have beat. ((This does not consist of Diamond and Pearl, I has no Nintendo DS.)) The anime sucks, however and I wish that it would stop and cancel. The cards however are good to sell once in a while, and I can usually get 50 bucks off one rare card. Which usually allows me to buy alot of video games! ^_^... In general, Pokemon kicks ass.
Well i love it! I had all the first games on gameboy .. Red Blue and Yellow! But i don't have really like all the new pokemons .. but i'll prob get the next game on ds if there is one ..
i have played through each of those games so much that i have memorized every item location, pokemon location/rarity in that location, many names of trainers, gym leader and elite four pokemon level/moveset, moves that each pokemon learn, and buildings in citys. except diamond/pearl, i only just beat the pokemon league the second time( the first time i got like 15 pokemon to 100 and knew i never going to have the paitience or time to get all like 650, so i started a new game (wish you could have more than one at one time))
wish id started the new games. i got 293 different ones, and my favorites were sneasle, soo doo woo doo(i think thats how you spell it, its the tree) , groudon, rayquaza, hitmontop, and few others that if i went back into the game it remember, but its been some time. i really did enjoy it, but im sure theryll be another time when ill say "man this is awesome! why did i stop loving this" but i guess it did get pretty boring after having all games but trading all them to just ruby, so i could have all in one place.
i liked it at the time, poke red was awesome, and i gaurantee no one here could beat my pokemon, i still have them memorized today Gengar lvl 100 Alakasomething-lvl 100 moltres lvl 94 Charzard i think lvl 93 mewtwo lvl 88 ice bird, starts with A lvl 64.
uh alakasomething isnt memorizing alakazam's name, if you think its charazard, that to is not memorizing, AND HOW COULD YOU FORGET ARTICUNO?!!??!?
Dude, ARTICUNO, your "ice bird", is my favorite pokemon of all time. im still trying to find a way to breed it...