Well, well, well. Scopulus has a new map out, and it looks great! Although, like tsb said, it isn't your most visually stunning maps, it looks like it will play great! I hope to get a game in with you sometime! ~Randle $candal
meh, I tried at least Most big maps don't look as good (by me atleast) but It's alright. The game play is pretty awesome though just ask Ty
You map has very good interlocking and geo-morphing. This is really good and I like the idea of the long big lift. 5/5
Zomg! I'm in some of those action shots! I really enjoy playing on this map. You shoulda named it Futurama like you originally thought or Golden Arches like I recommended. All in all, good map! NO, I'M NOT HIS SECOND ACCOUNT FOR ALL OF YOU IDIOTS THAT HAVE NEVER PLAYED WITH BOTH OF US. Oh, and Scopulus, nevermind Kickbut, he doesn't know how to spell Butt.
I really did think about callin it golden arches Ty lol. Yea I know kick butt won't give me a reason so IDC. I'm waiting on vid to upload so meh :\
got a small 2v2 game going. the gameplay is fresh actually. im sure this will be a long lived map if people bother to get off their asses and try it first.
scop, this looks awesome. interlocking and geomerging are both sick, especially for your firts big map. gameplays awesome along with aesthenics. 5/5
this map reminds me of "the chute" because of the lift thing that takes you across the map. the map looks very goood and pretty oringinal the geo merging is great too.
thanks. The chute.. the chute... hmm.. it seems like I've played a map called that before. Is there an existing map named so? If so I must find it
it's a great map, i love the lifts. but he whole map kinda has this... "empty" feeling to it. maybe add more aesthetics, like crates, pallets, barrels, soccer balls, etc. o, and shield doors. maybe put some shield doors on the entrances/exits of the lifts.
I'll DL and take a forgethrough, but in one picture there's a flag carrier going through, and you didn't list CTF as a supported gametype...
great map, nice job on the interlocking, must have takin a long time on this map, 10/10 good job u got my download
Yea I thought that too.. maybe adding a few more boxes would help. That's my bad lol. Al lthe gametypes are there now. now that you mention it, it kinda does lol. V.2 will be up soon.
I really enjoy playing this map with my friends. I always expect us to get caught in the tunnels, but you made them true. no snags Rest of the map is good. I like simple maps like this. well done.
scop i saw earlier you didnt know what the chute was, its one of my favorite maps for one flag. its awesome, i have it DL'd if you ever wanna see it. And i havent made a big map li,ke this yet, so for your first its really good.