Apollo Square By: UR MAST3R Description: Well after 3 months and hundreds of restarted rounds i'm finally done. Apollo Square is an asymmetrical map that is best suited for Slayer, 1-Flag CTF, and Single Bomb Assault. Although the other gametypes play nicely it’s not what the map was designed for. Apollo Square’s complex design leads to interesting battles because there are always multiple ways to get to each location. I would like to thank pwebbz for helping make the map escape-proof. I’ll get on with the pictures soon since you’re probably not reading this anyway. Weapons: 2 Assault Rifles 3 Battle Rifles 1 Shotgun (1 spare clip) 1 Sniper Rifle (1 spare clip) 2 SMGs 2 Spikers 1 Plasma Rifle 1 Rocket Launcher (no spare clips) 1 Carbine 8 Frag Grenades 8 Plasma Grenades 1 Bubble Shield Pictures: ***Description is below each picture*** View of Center Bottom floor of Defender's base Bottom floor of Defender's base looking at sniper tower/ shotgun spawn Center looking towards Attacker's base Sniper tower looking towards Defender's base Needler spawn looking towards Attacker's base Looking at Rocket spawn SMG spawns Defender's base looking toward middle Defender's base Rocket spawn Middle looking toward sniper tower Download Enjoy
pretty neat and clean map! love the barely any interlocking lol The gameplay okay, but needs just a bit more cover.
cool layout, its pretty unique looking, i like the intelrocking you did too, great aesthenics. gameplays fun as well. 4/5
well id interlock the boxes to make the floor smoother and the stairs into the boxes ever so slightly but the layout and everything else is awesome
looks like a potential featured map. has great layout with very good interlocking.4.8/5 because floors are not interlocked in places. sure dl.
looks great feels like you focused alot of time on gameplay more than aesthetics which is OK because this is not the aesthetic map section. Good job
Looks really nice, the interlocking was done really nicely, and the layout of the map seems really good... 5/5
Everything looks nice but maybe you could interlock the floors. I saw in some pictures that they weren't interlocked. 4.8/5
i feel a feature for this map it looks hot, plays hot, is hot compettive and fun nicely made map 4/5 i like how it actually isss something haha
Pretty neat and clean map!I think it could use more cover.But, the gameplay isn't great it's just okay.4.1/5.
i smell a feature very nicely interlocked i think behind that 2x stair case isnt though might wanna change that clean and smooth 5/5
It looks really good, but it also looks really bad at the same time. I can't describe it, or even give a reason why.
Aww I saw the title and thought this was Bioshock related... I have been denied -_- Oh well. Looks like a nice map, most of this looks very neatly aligned and interlocked. Could use a little more interlocking and there are a few spots where the map could be a bit straighter. I can't really get a good image mental image of what the map looks like from the pics, so I'll have to DL and look for myself. For now, looks like 3.5/5
We have a winner!!!! I was waiting for someone to pick up on that. I recently beat Bioshock again and the name just stuck.
I give this map a 4/5. I'm going to DL unless I find a map that is the same kind and 5/5 (but I'm not really looking XD). I like how you have different routs to different parts of the map, that will keep gameplay mixed up. This map reminds me of my maps, even though my maps are small 1v1 and 2v2 maps, the sniper tower pic remindes me a lot of my maps because that is what a room in my map will be like if a screenshot is taken from the corner.