ABANDONMENT First let me say this is my first post so if anything is wrong please tell me. Story: A year ago a hurricane hit this city. Now it is a mess, with debris littering the streets and buildings falling apart. Now your squad must enter the city and last for five minutes before evac to discover what's still there. Description-Map: Abandonment is a very smooth, well forged map on Foundry. I used interlocking and floating objects. The city is half destroyed so most of the uneven ground is on purpose. There are many different buildings for you to hold out from the zombies, including a sniper tower, the tallest point on the map. All of the weapons on the map do not respawn to make it more realistic. The weapons are as follows: Assault Rifle:1 Battle Rifle:2 Sniper:1 (1 spare clip) SMG:1 Rocket Launcher:1 (0 spare clips) Frag:6 (never respawn like weapons) Warthog:1 (never respawn) Description-Humans: The humans start off with only a pistol (no unlimited ammo) and 4x overshields. However the over shields do not regenerate. (there are two oversheilds on the map in case you need to "refuel") As a human you simply must survive 5 minutes to win. The last man standing gets 2 points, but nothing else changes. Description-Zombies: Zombies start with swords and unlimited ammo. They have no shields making the human pistol quite powerful. Zombies also have 150% damage resistance but do only 50% normal damage. As always, no grenades, weapon pickup, etc. Alpha Zombie is no different. PICTURES!: Overveiw 1, the tall building is the sniper tower. Overveiw 2 This is the destroyed highway that runs along the center of the map. Human start Zombie Spawn. this is only for the Alpha zombies, regular zombies may spawn here or in another building And that's it. I hope you like it, and as a last note i know there have been gametypes like this before but the original part is my map. please leave CONSTRUCTIVE critisism or comments =] Download Map Download Gametype
wow cool idea. i know the city is supposed to be sloppy, but it just hurts the eyes. nice use of interlocking though.
Pretty good for a first map. However, usually things that are supposed to look broken still look broken. These don't. I see stuff that would never really be able to support themselves in the position you have them in.
first post correct + interlocking! wow thats impressive the map looks good too lol looks a bit sloppy but i guess thats just from the destroyed-ness of the highway 4/5 +rep
this is a really cool idea, but i think you could improve it. although it's wrecked, neaten the few things that are screwed up i think i'm gunna dl
Well I know this is supposed to look like it suffered hurricane damage, but I would have just geomerged stuff at an angle to make it look like it is falling over instead of in impossible positions. Good first post though. Make a V2 and correct what you did to make it less sloppy and more damaged.
nice job and evry picture looks like a difrent map on foundry but its all the same don't know if that was purposful but nice illusion
I love the geo-merging... Makes it look old and destroyed... This is a good post for your first... And the map looks pretty good...
i like the gametype its very origional n my eyes i dunno about you old time forgehubbers lol the map is supposeed to be broken yet it looks like you just dropped boxes and it doesnt really work
I like how the pieces are arranged sloppily. It creates some urgency when running on them. I enjoyed playing custom games on this.
interesting map. was there any chance it was based off of mine? Hurricane Town V3 or possible windy city? which was based off of mine? also nice interlocking. usuelly trased maps like these dont interlock.
no, i didnt even know about your map orbitalshot. are they that alike? because im sorry if they are, i thought of this map before i joined forgehub