PLAYXPERT I know i will get more attention in off topic.. but i posted here.Could a moderator move it if they see fit, or even post a second thread. this might actually go in gaming discussion but its really up to whoever reads this first My parents met Charles Manning, (im pretty sure he is the co producer worker guy.. second in command. whatever) at a wedding the other week and they told him about how i like to play games on the computer and such, so he gave them the url so i could take a look at it. It is amazing!! This is a fairly new program and they are still working out bugs. Last night i got to meet Charles and he told me about some things they are doing with it. they have just programmed it to run on windows vista (what i have) so i can finally use it. anyways here it is Web Browser Who says surfing the interwebs must be done outside of the game? Why not bring your sites to your fights? The PLAYXPERT client comes stock with a full-featured web browser that lets you peruse the world wide web from the comfort of your game! Stuck on a level? Bored with waiting for a raid to start? Simply a passionate Googler? Seriously, who doesn't want an in-game web browser? How It Looks Key Features When we say the Web Browser widget is full-featured, we aren't kidding: Full CSS and Javascript support Full browser controls (Forward, Back, Refresh & Home buttons) Address bar with bookmark support Configurable semi-transparency Tunes The Tunes widget allows you to control your favorite media player from within the game. Think of it as an in-game control panel for your media player. It features support for Winamp and iTunes (with more media players to come). We will soon be releasing support for internet radio to supplement your gameplay. We provide the link between your media player and your game. How It Looks The PLAYXPERT Tunes widget, ready to rock you. Key Features The PLAYXPERT Tunes widget is a minimalist user interface that connects to the media player of your choice. It features: Pause, Play, Forward and Back buttons Volume bar and Mute button Real-time track information Song progress bar Supports Winamp & iTunes (with Windows Media Player coming soon) Friends PLAYXPERT in-game chat is like no other in-game chat out there. The PXP Messenger is a multi-protocol instant messenger that supports the likes of MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, GoogleTalk & Xfire. It also features support for Sony Online Entertainment's Station Friends chat protocol, meaning you can chat with users in any SOE game from any game you play. PLAYXPERT also comes preloaded with Vivox VoIP. Key Features The PXP Messenger is the coalescence of your chat communities. And dude, it is in-game. Supports MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, GoogleTalk & Xfire chat protocols Support for SOE's Station Friends Chat Full-featured in-game chat Tabbed chat window support Configurable Friends Roster Diagnostics Imagine the features of the Windows Task Manager in-game. Or, you could forget about imagining it and just check out the PLAYXPERT Diagnostics widget. Check real-time utilization and performance data and ensure that your machine is running tip-top. Runaway processes getting you down? The Diagnostic widget lets you kill processes without alt-tab, control-alt-deleting. Save those keystrokes for the frag-fest. Key Features The functionality of the Diagnostic widget is a tech-freak's dream: Real-time system information on CPU usage, Memory usage, Network bandwidth, Current processes Set thresholds for CPU usage and temperature Set thresholds for bandwidth usage Kill processes without leaving game Partners PLAYXPERT is dedicated to bringing the best tools to our users. We do this by developing partnerships with some great companies who make great products. Whether it's content, creativity or communications tools, PLAYXPERT glues these tools together and takes them to the game. This list of partners includes those who have already built widgets and others who are in the process of building widgets. How It Looks PLAYXPERT Wikia Widget Full-feature Vivox VoIP included PLAYXPERT is a next-generation in-game community management toolset developed for PC-based and MMO games. Built around a completely unique in-game overlay technology, PLAYXPERT brings the tools that gamers use into the games they play. This is just a brief overview of the PLAYXPERT technology. If you join our Inner Circle, you will be able to download and use the PLAYXPERT during our beta, you will also have access to loads of additional information about the product. Functionality The PLAYXPERT is made up of both a client component - and a service delivered on our servers. The client is a downloaded PC based executable that once installed, provides a hub for gamers either in-game or out-of-game. The client is made up of a 'dock' and associated 'widgets' which are tools useable by gamers. These widgets provide varied functionality to enhance or supplement gameplay. Using PLAYXPERT, you can control tools like chat, VoIP and web browsing all while in-game. Alt-Tab is a thing of the past. Transparency The PLAYXPERT client is delivered in-game by a seamless overlay system that natively supports both DirectX and OpenGL. This is no ordinary in-game overlay; it’s the first of its kind to offer configurable semi-transparency without impacting frame rates. The overlay is injected at the kernel level, so it supports virtually ANY game. This means it doesn’t use the shared memory of the game, it doesn't compete for game resources, and it will not be detected as a hack tool. PLAYXPERT ensures you’ll never miss a frame of the game. Compatibility A key development objective for PLAYXPERT was compatibility with the tools already in use by gamers. This can be seen in the widgets we’ve built. Instead of building an exclusive chat protocol, our PLAYXPERT Messenger widget is a Universal Instant Messenger client for gamers (with support for MSN, AIM, Yahoo & Xfire). Similarly, we didn’t build our own VoIP network, instead we’ve built widgets for TeamSpeak, Ventrilo and other popular VoIP tools. PLAYXPERT doesn’t make you choose between technology and the tools that your established communities use. It delivers your tools to you in-game in a configurable, extendable semi-transparent way. Extensibility Unlike other in-game tools, PLAYXPERT leaves room for expansion. The core of its extensibility is found in its widget support. We’ve already built several widgets in-house, like the PLAYXPERT Messenger and several web browser widgets (for accessing game specific item databases or general search engines). Many more widgets are currently being developed to serve the needs of gamers. We also provide our community with the tools (api) needed to build their own widgets. If the widget you need isn’t available, you can build it. We’ve also made our Skin api public. With these tools, the community can personalize the look and function of PLAYXPERT. No other in-game tool offers this degree of customization and extensibility. Versatility Not only is there support for current games, but we're prepared for the next generation of games. PLAYXPERT is ready for both DirectX10 and Vista. With its open widget architecture, the features offered by PLAYXPERT can evolve and grow with the gaming space. While other in-game toolsets scramble to be compatible with new games and technology, PLAYXPERT is ready to roll! *Note i copy/pasted this from their website, because i cannot describe how amazing this tool is. To see pictures of the tool in use, go here. Tell me what you guys think! playxpert
if this is for the pc, will it make my game lag? ill be playing halo 2 pc, and i dont have a high graphics card, so its already slow, will it make it slower
Incredible. It doesn't slow down framerate? I'm sure you guys wouldn't appreciate it, but kernel-level programming takes a lot of work. I give these guys props, that's fantasmal. Too bad I can't play a lot of games on my Linux box, but still.
i registered but i never got the confirmation email WTF edit nvm right when i wrote this BAM i got it in my email TIP: IT DOESNT WORK ON VISTAAAAAA
Wow this is really helpful! Thanks for finding this! i haven't needed it yet but still it works great! Great find!
Yeah.. like i said when i talked to him last night he said the programmers were just finishing up with the vista one. he said it should be up sometime friday so im just waiting for tonight and hope to see if it works. And nemi and boom star, it basically works like you were running around in WoW or GW with your inventory open, so i dont think it would slow it down too much. in a recent update they said it now moves around as fast as you can drag it, so that means its basically just a semi-transparent toolbar you can put in the corner, and it will only slow it down as much as running around with your inventory up would. EDIT: and knight.. when i do get it.. cause i have vista.. but when i do get it il probably just use it for using my computer normally. its just so nice to have it all compact!
So ummm, this is great idea for a program right. Vista has been out for how long now? All the new games coming out for DirectX10, for Vista? And yet it doesn't work on Vista, this is retarded... And he's right, it doesn't work at all on Vista. Program-Fail And no it's not something wrong with Vista, it's the programs problem.
Sounds cool? So it's free? But..I mean most hardcore gamers aren't going to want to add anything in that adds lag. I don't care what anyone says..that has got to add lag.