Hey, i'm new to forgehub, but not too new to forge. I've made some OK maps but i've just recently started wanting to make advanced maps with interlocking. and i ran into a few things that i want to ask to the community. I saw a vid about interlocking objects, and it worked fine for me. but i was wondering, if there is an easier way for me to interlock objects in the air. I currently use this process: hold object (i'm goona use wall corners for this example, because that is actually what i am wanting to use) so i hold the wall corner in the air and save and quit, then i start the game again and hold another wall corner next to the first one and save and quit, then i start it again and change the first wall corner's properties to no start at spawn and to 180 respawn time, then i start a new round and move the second wall corner into where the first wall corner was and save and quit again, now when i come back, for some reason the first wall corner is there, but i can't move it or change it or anything, so i then start a new round and the objects are merged and i can move them both (obviously i don't want to), so is there an easier way of merging these two objects in the air? o, and also , these wall corners are on an angle, so i'm assuming stacking boxes under will not be an options. thanks for any help.
I suggest build a platform from the floor up, then start creating and interlocking whatever you need, and when your done, delete the platform and it will be floating and cleanly interlocked.
use guides. guides are other immovable objects that you can save/quit against the surface of the object your working with (the corner wall) so that you have a great starting point and reference to work with. let me try and give a text example: L = corner wall | = wall save quit the first corner wall into place. then firmly press your guide wall against the corner wall in the air and save/quit it also. Now you have a nice base from which to move the corner wall around so that it doesnt get out of place when you attempt to save/quit it again, or interlock another corner with it. like this: |L you can move the corner around without losing its relative place. You can also use the guide to make sure your 2 interlocked corners are nice and level. does that make sense? Using guides is a very useful tool and really help with precision forging. Bridges make great guides because of their length, as well as double boxes. let me know if you have any other quetions.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gener...t-forge-couldnt-find-anywhere-else-place.html Shouldn't be in two places. But you could build a platform of angled bridges. Stack stuff up, than use fence walls to get your angle, and float the bridges on them.
ok, thank you very much for helping, i just have one more question then, do u know why after i place the 2nd corner wall where the first one was (in the process of interlocking) when i start the game up again after saving and quitting, my first corner wall (the one that was not supposed to spawn at start and had 180 respawn) was interlocked as i wanted but it wasn't supposed to show on the map yet, and it is as if it is not there. I cannot move it or alter its settings in any way. i then have to start a new round and everything goes as it is supposed to be. do u know why this happens and if it is normal?
yeh thas completely normal. items not spawning at start will likely be spawned in the first round. start a new round and all will be fine.
what i am trying to do is something similar to wall rider. can someone please look at his curved turns and tell me how that is done, thanks. they seem to be in-air interlocking double walls. and please answer in steps, pleaseeeee. i'm trying to make this as un-confusing as possible and the other stuff i was asking seemed confusing.