Hey guys i was just wondering if anyone else on here has any experience with programs like Maya that could share their knowledge with me.
I work with 3DS Max at school and at home, and I'll be beginning to work with Maya next year when 3DS Max joins programs with it. If you need some help with anything, let me know.
I'm going to be learning a lot about and using those programs when i head off to school this fall. I am pretty excited.
While I am not familiar witn Maya, I do use Blender 3D at home and AutoCAD 2008 at school and home. Blender 3D is free if you want to use it, just go to here to grab a copy.
I'm learning Maya, I've purchased a book to learn from. I'm also just starting to get my feet wet with Visual C++ 2008. I'm pretty good with DreamweaverCS3, but still learning (I'm making a site using it right now). Lastly, I know FlashCS3 the best. I'm mostly into web design but moving towards making video games/ 3D stuff with Maya and C++. Me and my bro have a small company already started. And we are only 14.
yeah i haven't taken any courses or bought a book, but i have spent about hmmm 200+ hours teaching myself to use maya, and i was wondering if anyone who knows how to use it well could help me to better my skill thanks
If you're serious about it, buy a book, and get one of the programs. If you can find one specifically for the program you pick, chances are it'll be better. Less time spent making sure everyone knows how to do it in THEIR program. No doubt some will be dual purpose, but then you read it like you read various itnernet tutorials, with people who use macs telling you "Press Control Alt A(or command whatever A for mac)" and then making sure you're doing it right in your program. Then, become redundant. No, not retarded! Redundant. Buy the other program and a book for that too. Go over stuff, ESPECIALLY the basic lessons. Learning key strokes and menus and the various differences is key. I don't know how different it is between Maya and Studio 3D Max. But having experience with both will help later on. Who's more desirable, a programmer who knows C++ or one who knows C++ and Java? Sure, the job may only need C++, but having someone with more experience in learning programming languages probably means they'll know their way around more. It's not as simple as that when selecting candidates for a job, but it shows how knowing your way around more than a specific thing helps. Take that, PhD peoples, take that!
I'm currently researching the best course of action to get into game design. I've been looking at 3ds Max and thinking.. expensive. I don't really want to do a multiple year course as I'm not sure whether they are that respected. Still, thanks for the link, I was under the impression you couldn't get hold of a free trial. Coolant, could you PM me some information regarding your general experience with 3ds Max - your impressions of it/difficulty/anything else of interest? If you could take 10 minutes out of your day to do that for me I'd be very grateful. If you're busy right now, that's fine too. Let me know either way.
Shock, If you're taking the courses as part of an animation or game design major, it is possible that you will learn both programs. At the school i am going to go to, they use both.
Gmax is basically a free version of 3DS Max. I myself have some knowledge of Max. I've created my own map for Halo: Custom Edition. I'm not an expert but I know my way around it. I'm currently in school to get my bachelors in digital art-game art.
I just downloaded that Blender thing, someone posted a link to it. It's pretty fun to mess around with! I made a snowman, and a layout of my house.