here is a list of all the money glitched canvases so far, (all of the maps have the goal points moved near the objects) also if you make all of one object, DO NOT DELETE any of that object, and if you do (see help tut at the bottom) Construct Gaurdian HighGround Last Resort Narrows Sandtrap Snowbound Standoff Rats nest Valhalla if you delete an object when you have the maximum number of that object on the map, you will not be allowed to make another of that object. so how do you fix to, you have to 1: save the map 2: end the game 3: start the game 4: change the Runtime MAXIMUM of the object to 1 higher then the number on the map. 5: carry on with the map
Re: Money Glitched Canvas Thread Guardian Money Glitch Canvas Construct High Ground and The Pit are also done, I will upload them later when I have time. In these maps, I tried to put the items places that people would not usually use in making a map. In Construct, just go through the teleporter to get to the other side of the barrier, then just fly back through the barrier with an object (It will let you come back in, but not go out) ***Fixed Construct is up***
I'm not sure how someone could run out of money on the bigger maps with large budgets but thank you for posting this, I will help me and a bunch of other people as well.
When you have done all of them message me and I will make a news post. Also could you do the canvases for the first ones because the guy took one of them down.
This is very helpful. Btw when i clicked the last resort one, it said "file share item has been deleted. Am i going crazy or is this true.