
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Flames290, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    1. Hit song by Velvet Revolver. 2. A map by Flames290

    So a pam I've been working. It was in playtesting but life hates me and thigns came up. For backstroy, who needs one? Its always Covenant war, human base.

    It was originally caleld Rundown but song names are better. Now you want pics. I know you do so I should stop blabing and get on with it.

    Oh before I stop, there is no interlocking, and is meant to look liek sh**. If I wnated ot make a perfect town with no bent walls, broken roofs, and toppled over gas stations I would.

    Overview of the map.

    Small bunker in the middle of the map. In Oddball games it is hidden here.

    Grav Lift up ot the sniper tower, and broken down shack.

    Toppled gas station, highliy explosive. Two warehouses in the background.

    It is ment for Slayer, Juggernaut, and Oddball map. I had some trouble with CTF and are working on v2.

    Link to map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    1. A pile of fusion coils = bad.
    2. I know you'll hate me for saying this, but it does need more interlocking. Even though you wanted it to look rugged, some things should still be interlocked.
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    It looks like the gameplay would be great. It has a really good layout, but it's sloppy. If i were you, I would definitally make a v2 and interlock, straighten, and forge the crap out of everything, because it'd be a shame to leave something that looks to have a lot of potential as sloppy as this. Also, don't have too many fusion coils. It creates bad gameplay, two or three will do it.

    EDIT: I did read the description. I was posting a suggestion to make a v2 without the sloppiness. I don't get why you would give bad rep when I gave the map a good review. I said that the gameplay would be great and that I like the layout, it's just that I thought it looked a little too sloppy. I won't rep back, because I guess my post did seem like I didn't read the description, and your obviously newer so you'll naturally rep more little things. The rep button is more for bullies and spammers though. I wanted to clarify my post because it seems that other people were thinking the same thing, and I really did not want to rack up 30 bad reps from a post that was misleading.
    #3 ZANDER1994, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  4. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    How about you read the description?
  5. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    v2 will remove fusion coils
    I don't think interlocking makes a map. When peopel did'nt know aobut interlocking maps were still good. Whats different now?

    Also I'm not a professional forger. I'm stil lworking on getting better at interlocking.
  6. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    1 thanks for not saying"2. an incredible map by flames290", humility is always good.
    2 regardless of that compliment this map needs a clean up maybe a bit straightening out.
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I bet you could make a map that is interlocked, but has a trashed appearance. You could make buildings that are linked together, and yet both have caved-in roofs. But you don't have to interlock, but it will usually get more downloads. Just keep practicing at it, and you will get somewhere. What weapons are on the map?
  8. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    yah i agree with everyone ealse. and i had 8 fusion coils in my onfection map Hurricane Town V3. but it was fine. they just have to be placed stratisticly and or in a nessesary way. they made a small Gas station.
  9. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    Thanks all. I need it to get my maps from trahs, to not so trash but not so good.

    the weapons:

    2x SMG
    2x Spike grenades
    2x Firebomb
    1x shotgun
    1x Sniper Rifle
    2x Mauler
    1x Grav Hammer
    1x deployable cover
    1x Power Drain
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Battle Rifle
  10. zombiphobia

    zombiphobia Ancient
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    I can see how you made the fusion coils like a gas station but I wouuld put them on top of eachother next to the barrier like a gas staion and maybe line some up around the truck in your v2
  11. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    even if it's supposed to be rugged, if a map is going to be decent, it need at least a small bit of interlocking. unless it's on one of the origional maps. i made a mountain map, i used interlocking and it looks a lot better. i'm not trying to brag or be rude in any way. it's just the truth.
  12. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    v2 will include interlocking, removed fusion coils (except for two of them), CTF compatible, and be better than v1.
  13. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    looks like a classic map that the 8 year olds love playing in custom games
    not saying its a bad thing
    3/5 interlokcing would make it better though
  14. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Read my edited post.
  15. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but look around, SO many people are immediately judging off the pictures, and sure aren't downloading. Before the edit, your post definitely implied you didn't read the description, and I don't want people just looking at pictures and moving on.
  16. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    My opinion was that it looked sloppy, and that's just what I thought. It was not like it was the only thing either. I told him i liked the layout and the gameplay would probably be fun, but to get rid of the fusion coils. I gave 4 facts, and he shot down my post with a bad rep. AND even though he repped for something i don't think i deserved, i will STILL NOT GIVE REP BACK, because it's natural for newer users to rep more often even the little things.
  17. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
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    Hey dude i no what your saying about the hole interlocking thing . . sometimes maps are better off with none to make it more what it should be but then again its nice to morph things sometimes coz it lets you put your own unique ideas into your maps . . even if its something small =] Good job for being different tho dude i respect that . . 4/5
  18. jumpy n bumpy

    jumpy n bumpy Ancient
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    You can interlock but still make it look like a trashed up town... Overall it looks like it could have alot of potential but still needs some work... I can't wait for V2 I'll be sure to download it!
  19. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    i like the map the way it is, this brings us back to the days when we could not interlock, but maps still look good, if you can only say that this needs to be interlocked, and don't have anything else, and he meant to not interlock, your spamming and admitting that its a good map.
    i think that this map is well made, and i like that there is no interlocking. good job, hope to see more from you
  20. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    seems kinda easy to make, but it seems like a good idea. i will DL later.

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