Muh favorite song and they stealed it for the song
Dude that song sounded awesome until I heard "All I want to do is *gunshot* *gunshot* *gunshot* *ka-ching* and take your money" that deffinetly ruined the song and shows where the world is going.
God this song is so anoying, i hate her voice, and i hate the song its self, it so horrible. The movies going to be awesome, but i dont give one damn about that horrible song Also the singer is pretty fugly. D:
Movie is amazing....It may not be as laugh out loud funny as like step brothers but I was laughing the whole movie. The song isnt even in the movie though... Saw the movie the day it came out....I wanna see it again
i love this song. back when it first came out, it was all i listened to. the chorus is sick, but the best part has to be "no funny business"
here's a dj icey remix featuring lil wayne and others. it's pretty dope. and this song is so much different than m.i.a's other stuff. I recommend both her cd's if you like electronic and dance music.
Ugh I thought it was reggae when I first heard it, and then it turned out to be crappy R&B/rap garbage
m.i.a is pretty much everything. A lot of her stuff is very tropical sounding. She's actually straight up electronic dance music. Did i mention she does graffiti art? yeah, a lot of her stuff is in the background of this vid: you like m.i.a, i give you santogold. Now this song has been remixed like no other., you must open your ears, m.i.a is far from r&b/hip hop. it's completely original music. but it sounds killer when mixed with rap oh and that s&c remix is no bueno, i can make that myself in garage band...
Ok, and if you want you can edit the post..i think idk if your able but i'll remove it and add some whenever