TrAp Created by Skittlely Doo For 2-7 players Use the TrAp gametype (Required) In this map you start trapped in some weird place and you must escape. I made this map a while ago and am posting it now. This is my first Forge Hub post so i hope you enjoy. Where am I? tough call Nice view Aaaahhh Yay No where to go Whats this Finnaly Download here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game type here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
That was such an epic story... Erm as for the map, I like the fact that you interlocked. And these types of games are fun, but would be nice if you added a bit more detail into all the obsacles...
The screens aren't working for me. It says you deleted them off of photobucket. If you did that, they won't work.
Why is this in aesthetic section?It is a puzzle map right,So it should be in the minigames section. Anyway the map,it's fun and somewhat challenging.My final rating 3/5.
No more telling him about his pictures, once is enough. And please, give him some help other than just saying he needs picture. Go to the link in my sig for embedding pictures, and hopefully you can fix your screenshot issue. Now, no more.
it's missing some of the pictures so I am not getting a full glimspe of this map. if you can fix those I can give a better opinion on the map.
Well, it appears that either some of the pics have been removed from photobucket, or you accidentally deleted some stuff from the url... Also, some pics are too small, remember to check off 640x480
Looks like a quick and easy puzzle map that is not up to standards when it comes to puzzles. Also, this belongs in the mini-game section.
Ah yes, you might want to work on making the obstacles a bit more interesting but at least you interlocked, GJ 4/5